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SSG Plazmoid

Onbriefingplan sound

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Searched onBriefingPlan and onBriefingNotes but found only 1 reference which was listing the commands in the command reference.

I have sounds defined in my description file which play ok when I play them with playsound.

I've added the onBriefingPlan command to my init file. My understanding is the first time the plan is viewed the sound should be played?

However, no sound plays for any of the onBriefing commands I've tried (and viewed the appropriate briefing page) and I've tried with all of my sounds that work with playsound.

I tried defining a radio voice sound in description which played using the sideradio command but using that sound name in the onBriefingPlan command didn't work either.

Are the onBriefing... commands working correctly and if so what steps are needed to use them? Does the sound need to be defined differently in the description file? Is the sound format required different from sounds that play using playsound?



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I have no time to look into it, but on the bn880 page in my signature, click on The Working mission Nogova... download it and pry it open(dePBO).. it has working onBriefingPlan sound etc.

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thanks for your quick reply.

I downloaded the mini version of the mission and required addons. Despite downloading all of the linked addons (except UN addon) and already having updated editorupdate addon I was missing several items like the skoda800s. I replaced all of the missing stuff with a search/replace in the mission file and was able to load the mission in my editor.

The sounds didn't play when I viewed the briefing. confused.gif

I see how the sounds are listed in description and how the command is used in the init file. Perhaps these commands are broken in v1.85?

thanks for any advice,


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