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Can foot infantry engage the greyhawk drone?

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I'm falling in love with using drones in my Insurgency missions, but now I'm wondering, can infantry shoot these things down?


I've only messed with this a bit, and I'm wondering if I should disarm them and if maybe these drones are too powerful for foot soldiers? I've seen in the past infantry shoot a darter straight out of the sky, but after a few go's with an autonomous greyhawk, I've yet to see one try to shoot it ( I'm keeping the drone 500-600 meters in the air, so a close drone firing distance, but I guess not "close" close).


If so, is it only AA turrets or something? I'd love to see them try to take pot shots with rifles and what have you but so far, they just take cover when I'm firing. 


Does anyone know the "formula" for AI and engaging greyhawks? What weapons they need or what conditions need to be met?

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Infantry wouldn't engage it at 600m with normal rifles. They don't even engage darters past around 300-400 meters. Add AA missiles into the mix, and they'll engage the Greyhawk if other units spot it or if the Greyhawk stats blowing shit up. Obviously you could test this in zeus, but i don't think any small arms fire at 7.62 or below would do any meaningful damage anyway.

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