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Unable to join visible LAN games

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I've had this problem for as long as I've had this computer, but I have no idea what's causing it. I can not join games over LAN. I can see them in the server browser, but when I double click one to join it just stays on the map loading screen (doesn't matter which map). The game remains responsive but nothing happens. The host can see me join (and inevitably leave) but I never get anything playable. I can however host games on the same network and everyone can join me. Arma is the only game that has this issue for me on this network with this PC. Other games (Company of heroes, RA3... Minecraft to name a few) work perfectly fine in either direction.


I just use the default windows firewall with the proper exceptions enabled. All computers use up to date Win 10 x64 installations. All computers on the network are on a wired connection with wifi adapters disabled.


I'm honestly clueless! Any help is appreciated.

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