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Unsung Multiplayer EVENT!

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@1900Z ( 3:00 P M, EST )
AO : Nam 2 

--------------MODS REQUIRED----------------

UNSUNG DELTA - http://armanam.eu/downloads.html

AIR CAV VIETNAM COLLECTION - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=598548489

Server Name: =7Cav=Official Air Cav Vietnam 
Server IP: 
Port: 2302 

TeamSpeak 3: 
(TS is security lvl 30 may take time to join


STEAM GROUP FOR VIETNAM PLAY - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/aircavnam





Mission : Type of Combat Mission: Sweep and Destroy (hammer and anvil) , village removal

Situation : Operation Cedar Falls Is a military operation being conducted in WAR ZONE C . The aim of this massive search and destroy operation is to eradicate the so-called "Iron Triangle", an area located in close proximity to Saigon which has become a major stronghold of the communist National Liberation Front (NLF) or Viet Cong. The operation is set to start in late April 1967 . 

the 11th Armored Cavalry will preform a blocking maneuver North of the triangle to prevent NLF forces from escaping the area. Meanwhile elements of the 7th Air Cavalry Division will be air lifted in a flanking maneuver to the east end of the triangle at DZ Yankee. 

Forces will have support from fire base trinity for Heavy Artillery. 

Forces will then link up at or near the reported VC regimental HQ . Once taken forces will move south trough the Triangle utilizing Heavy artillery and Air support . Forces will encircle then capture the village of BEN SUC . Once captured orders will be given to rig the village for destruction and all units will retreat north bound for pick up. 

Code -- FAT MAN --- order giving for complete destruction of Ben Suc ( All available support given priority) 

Premise of the Mission/What do you want achieved?: sweep and destroy enemy positions within the Iron triangle. Capture and destroy NLF (Viet Cong) village of Ben Suc.

DESIRED RESULT (If applicable): resounding enemy defeat, Destruction of Ben Suc
General Notes: This operation will utilize Air attack forces, Heavy Artillery and Ground troops

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