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End game bugs that need addressing.

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A few bugs that may help the dev team that i've found while playing the "Eng Game" mode.


  • Random Spawn location bug (Spawn in the wrong chosen location).

  • Auto change class on respawn bug (If you die as a class that's not maxed out the game decided to give you a random class which is extremely annoying).

  • Data package at Boat location on the beach on Feres does not show on map for at least 1 min before it suddenly is lootable and visible on map.

  • When repairing sometimes it takes 2-4 repairs to fix modules that are damaged.

  • Whichever dev thought it was a good idea to have explosive charge as the 1st choice option for the engineer middle button, should be slapped. As you always end placing it when you try to open doors or interacting in general. (Not a bug but a QoL issue that needs addressing!)

  • Vehicle physics are seriously broken. Tanks blow up when they nudge cars / quad bikes or sometimes fly 30ft in the air in all sorts of messed up ways.


If theres any that I have missed out please add them below to this topic.

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