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How to create an objective in arma 3 editor

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(language warning)                                     So i have been messing around with the editor and it has been fun. But i cant create a task.


Its getting really fuckin annoying. I have been making my first mission for 6.5 hours and all i need to do is create the objective.


Which is to kill a person inside of a tank (basically destroy the tank) but all the tutorial vids are from 2013 and the one recent one i was able to find used a wedding scenario as a joke but didn't help at all.


Someone pls help. I have 600 hrs in arma 3 and i love the game but im just out of ideas.

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You just have to place a task module (F5). Choose Intel, create task , then a task ID (not useful if you don't call it in a script, a title, a description, type... just read the tips;

synchronize with player(s);

add a trigger, optional, to add this task in game and not at start;

add a trigger for success, with a condition like: !alive myenemy, sync it to a task state module "succeeded", and sync this module to the task one.


You can also add some briefs through diary record module.

Read the tips.



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