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SwitchMove Animations

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I'm new into scripting and playing around with AI Animations using 'swtichMove'. 


I need help understanding if there is a way to position AI when using, for example, 'Acts_Executioner_Backhand' and 'Acts_ExecutionVictim_Backhand', using some other form of code, so that the Units are in the exact right position? Or do I have to painstakingly figure that out myself with the 3D Editor?


I noticed some of Direone's Poses using 'attachTo' and I was hoping there is a similar solution for these animations. I tried looking through the forum and internet, with no result. 



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What I do is place a unit in the editor, execute code in the unit's init to make him do the desired animation, and then in the debug window in the editor I execute an attachTo command and adjust the [x,y,z] values until the unit is where I want him in relation to the object he's attached to.

Some useful commands are:
_x attachTo ["myObj", [x,y,z] ];
_x setDir #;
_x setVectorDir [ #, #, #];
_x setVecotrUp [ #, #, #];
_x setVectorDirAndUp [ [#, #, #], [#, #, #]];
_x disableAI "ANIM";

_x playMove "animationClassNameHere";
_x playMoveNow "animationClassNameHere";
_x switchMove "animationClassNameHere";

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