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Randomize warfare AI air team template selection

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I'm having trouble getting AI air team to randomize when it picks a team from Config_Teams.sqf. 

I've tried setting all aircraft cost and points to 0 and setting all team air team abilities to _TEAMTYPENORMAL.

But it still seems to avoid using certain teams and picks certain teams over and over again.  Sometimes it would always buy planes and other times will only use choppers despite many respawns.


Also, resorted to just having one air team template with one unit in Config_Teams.sqf and randomize the unit in Server_BuyUnit.sqf


waitUntil {!(isnil "BIS_fnc_init")};
if (side _team == west) then
	_unit = ["AV8B","AV8B2","F35B","C130J","A10","UH1Y","MH60S","UH60M_EP1","CH_47F_EP1","MV22","AH6J_EP1","AH1Z","AH64D","AH64D_Sidewinders","MQ9PredatorB"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
if (side _team == east) then
_unit = ["Mi17_rockets_RU","Mi24_V","Mi24_P","Ka52","Ka52Black","Mi17_Ins","Mi24_D_TK_EP1","UH1H_TK_EP1","Su39","Su34","Su25_Ins","L39_TK_EP1","Pchela1T","An2_TK_EP1"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;


This forces whatever unit the air team AI buys to randomize, however, it  respawns if units that are picked are not listed in the Config_Teams.sqf.


I notice that dedicated PatrolBase teams will keep the randomized units, but they don't move to capture locations.

Is there the a way to force the air team to keep the units that gets added to its team like the dedicated AI teams?



Edit: Might've been something with the number of crew listed in Config_AircraftFactory.sqf.  Added one extra crew to all planes and redid the Config_Teams.sqf in OA warfare and team selection appears to be random now.

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