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cfgMarkers and Fonts/text size

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is it possible to change the text size and or font type of the text that is shown on maps when you place markers with cfgMarkers and setMarkerBrush?

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I had been through each og those functions and Google. I could not find anyway to set marker text font and size

Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

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set font? That's all defined in the CfgMarkers to what I'm seeing here.

Don't think there is really any way to change the font, especially if the font isn't already existing in arma.

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i know there is arma fonts, but was hoping that the text you can place along with map markers could be changed as well, but looks like this is only possible for system chat messages, that kind of thing.


Noficiations shown to all players on the server. Could be used to replace BEC messages.
	{first occurrence after x min, show again after x min, show message for x seconds, font size (recommended is 0.6), xpos, ypos,text color, font, text (<br/> is a linebreak)}
	if you want the client to see a message only once when logging in, you put the first and second entry in the array to -1.
	{-1, -1, 4, 0.6, 0, 0, "#ff0000", "OrbitronLight", "Welcome to our server"}
	xpos and ypos need to be within your monitor. to high numbers and you simply won't see the text..
	~ x-range is between -0.7 to +1
	~ y-range is between -0.4 to +1
	Arma Fonts:


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