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Mp ai disappears? (bug)

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I've tested this...make a map with some soldiers on it, in the same group.  Make a respawn_west spot.  Put an empty tank and truck on the map.  Make a description.ext with respawn = 3, etc.

Now order the AI into the truck.  Use the tank to blow up the truck (or helicopter, etc..whatever).  Now, only a random amount of guys will respawn!!!  It seems to work according to how many bodies are tossed out of the vehicle when it explodes.  So...some soldiers randomly disappear and never ever come back (no body and they are not listed on my group menu anymore). I don't care if this is fixed, but just wondered if anyone was aware of it?


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Erm, with 1.88 imminent, could ya make it so that if the user hits ESC on a "BLACK OUT" fade, that the text Abort and Continue will be able to be seen??? smile.gif I see that the "I" command which lists the players does not fade when the screen goes black.  Perhaps this "property" could be given to the ESC menu/dialogue??


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