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onLoad Bug?

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If you call a function with onLoad in the dialog display you cant use lbSetCurSel.

I discovered this today and iam not sure if its a bug or if i missed something.


class ExampleDialog 
  	onLoad = "[] call SUPERTAG_fnc_SUPERFUNC";
	class ComboBox : RscCombo
      idc = 5000;
      x = 0.35 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
      y = 0.849 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
      w = 0.3 * safezoneW;
      h = 0.02 * safezoneH;

      onLBSelChanged = "[] call SUPERCOMBO_fnc_COMBO";

//Adding elements to ComboBox
(_display displayCtrl 5000) lbSetCurSel 0;

_index = lbCurSel 5000;

My Problem is that i fill the combobox with elements with the onLoad function.

Normaly if you use lbSetCurSel it automaticly fires a onLBSelChanged event.

But this time lbCurSel always returns -1. So i cant set the cursor selection with lbSetCurSel in onLoad.

Maby someone can help me.

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Where is _display defined in your script? If I were you, I would use the primary syntax for the lbSetCurSel command.

lbSetCurSel [5000, 0];

It does not require you to define the display; you only need to state the IDC of the listbox.

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_display is just a variable for the _this select 0 in the display onLoad function.

So the full "function" looks like

onLoad = "[_this select 0] call SUPERTAG_fnc_SUPERFUNC";

_display = _this select 0;

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lbCurSel (_display displayCtrl 5000); 

Works now.

_index = lbCurSel 101;

Does not work (for me). So use Example 2 in the wiki if you have the same problem.

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