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[Question] Finding and Manning a Static Weapon in Dynamic Composition

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Hey everyone,


I'm working on a set of functions to spawn a predefined composition of objects to create and man a checkpoint on a road. Several of these compositions include a static weapon or armed vehicle, but I can't get the gunner to actually be on the weapon.


Compositions are defined in a config class, a relevant one is below:

class hmg_pair
				units[] = {"I_Soldier_F","I_Support_MG_F"};
				objects[] =


A function pulls data from the config entries and spawns the composition. The function is below:

_location = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 1;
_size = _this select 2;

_class = ("true" configClasses (missionConfigFile >> "compositions" >> _type >> _size)) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_units = getArray (_class >> "units");
_objects = getArray (_class >> "objects");

_group = createGroup independent;

_center = [(markerPos _location) select 0,(markerPos _location) select 1];
_angle = (markerDir _location) + 180;
_composition = [];
	_type = _x select 0;
	_theta = (_x select 1) + _angle;
	_rad = _x select 2;
	_dir = (_x select 3) + _angle;

	_pos = [(_center select 0) + (_rad*(sin _theta)),(_center select 1) + (_rad*(cos _theta)),0];
	_veh = createVehicle [_type,_pos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
	_veh setDir _dir;
	_veh setVectorUp (surfaceNormal (position _veh));
	_veh setPos [(position _veh) select 0,(position _veh) select 1,0];
	if ((_veh isKindOf "car") || (_veh isKindOf "armored")) then
		player action ["lightOn",_veh];
		_veh setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
	if (_type != "sign_arrow_direction_f") then
		_composition = _composition + [_veh];
    // Spawning units
	if (_type == "sign_arrow_direction_f") then
		deleteVehicle _veh;
		_unitType = _units select 0;
		_units = _units - [_unitType];
		_newUnit = _group createUnit [_unitType,_pos,[],0,"NONE"];
		_newUnit setDir _dir;
		[_newUnit,["STAND_IA"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom,"ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat;
		_newUnit unassignItem "NVGoggles_indep";
		_newUnit removeItem "NVGoggles_indep";
} forEach _objects;

// Gunner assignment is here
if (count _units != 0) then
	_newUnit = _group createUnit [_units select 0,_group,[],0,"NONE"];
	_newUnit assignAsGunner ((nearestObjects [position _newUnit,["car","armored","static","staticWeapon"],50]) select 0);
	_newUnit moveInGunner ((nearestObjects [position _newUnit,["car","armored","static","staticWeapon"],50]) select 0);

[_composition,_group,_location] spawn CH_fnc_deleteComposition;

My static weapon is spawning correctly, but the gunner is spawning near the other unit and immediately moves into formation. What I want to happen is the gunner to spawn already on the static MG.


Anybody got any ideas? I suppose I could use an if/then to catch any turrets or vehicles and pass them to the gunner assignment block, but I think there's got to be a more elegant solution out there. Thanks in advance!

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1 minute ago, hallyg said:

Try using the orderGetIn command

Changing the gunner block to:

if (count _units != 0) then
	_newUnit = _group createUnit [_units select 0,_group,[],0,"NONE"];
	_newUnit assignAsGunner ((nearestObjects [position _newUnit,["car","armored","static","staticWeapon"],50]) select 0);
	[_newUnit] orderGetIn true;

did not work, same behavior.

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The nearestObjects command was returning a sign object. Change it to this:

_newUnit = _group createUnit [_units select 0, _group, [], 0, "NONE"];
_newUnit moveInGunner ((nearestObjects [position _newUnit, ["car", "armored", "static", "staticWeapon"], 50]) select {(_x emptyPositions "gunner") > 0} select 0);
_newUnit assignAsGunner ((nearestObjects [position _newUnit, ["car", "armored", "static", "staticWeapon"], 50]) select {(_x emptyPositions "gunner") > 0} select 0);


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1 minute ago, hallyg said:

The nearestObjects command was returning a sign object. Change it to this:

_newUnit = _group createUnit [_units select 0, _group, [], 0, "NONE"];
_newUnit moveInGunner ((nearestObjects [position _newUnit, ["car", "armored", "static", "staticWeapon"], 50]) select {(_x emptyPositions "gunner") > 0} select 0);
_newUnit assignAsGunner ((nearestObjects [position _newUnit, ["car", "armored", "static", "staticWeapon"], 50]) select {(_x emptyPositions "gunner") > 0} select 0);


Bingo! Thanks a lot, hallyg.

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