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PBO Packing Failed [Missing File(s)] (Solved)

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I am attempting to make a small addon for my private indie-only tanoa wasteland server that adds the Special Purpose Suit (Ghex) for indies while fixing it's weight so it is more in-line with other offerings, however, after editing my config.cpp and attempting to pack the pbo I am getting "Generalised lintcheck error" in pboProject when trying to pack it. Any ideas? EDIT: Linkcheck error resolved, now getting missing file(s).

class CfgPatches
   class Indie_Viper_Ghex
       author="Sil3nt Pr0digy";
              requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F_Exp"};

class cfgWeapons
   class Uniform_Base;
       class UniformItem;
   class I_Viper_Ghex: Uniform_Base
       displayName = "Special Purpose Suit (Green Hex)";
       picture = "A3\characters_f_exp\OPFOR\data\ui\icon_U_O_Soldier_Viper_ghex_F_ca.paa";
       model = "A3\Characters_F_Exp\OPFOR\o_viper.p3d";
	   hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"A3\Characters_F_Exp\OPFOR\Data\ViperOp_Suit_hexgreen_co.paa"};
       author="Sil3nt Pr0digy";
       nameSound = "";
	   DLC = "Expansion";
       class ItemInfo: UniformItem
           uniformModel = "-";
           uniformClass = "I_Viper_Ghex";
           containerClass = "Supply60";
           mass = 20;


I think the lintcheck issue was a syntactical one. I have corrected my code to the above, and am now getting "missing file(s)", would this be related to the assets from A3_Characters_F_Exp? If so, how do I change it? I tried changing it from an absolute path, however I am still getting the same error. Is pboProject trying to search for the Apex DLC assets? And if so, is there a way to bypass that check as when the addon is loaded it should be able to borrow the assets from the DLC correct?

I ran MakePbo manually and it did determine that the Characters_F_Exp content is what it was saying was missing. Is there any way to force it to use assets from the .ebo? Because if not that means I have to wait until the release the .pbo, which could take quite some time as they have yet to do so after 8 months of waiting, when it would normal just take a couple months max. If that is indeed the case, does anyone know of a way to modify the capacity/mass via a script? I have yet to find one that does so, but you all seem to be clever folks :D

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Try updating to the Dev version of Arma, they have unlocked most of the apex stuff, apart from the terrain stuff.

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5 hours ago, RoF said:

Try updating to the Dev version of Arma, they have unlocked most of the apex stuff, apart from the terrain stuff.

Did they finally release the pbos for the apex stuff? Because I have yet to hear anything about that, and from what I'm seeing, it may be what is required for this addon to work.

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Now that the content has been released I have been able to create the addon without a packing error, however the uniform doesn't have an icon, nor does it appear to have a model, even though both are clearly defined in the config.cpp, and when I give the item to myself in virtual arsenal, it isn't actually usable. any ideas? EDIT: I added a soldier class and cross-referenced the two together, however now it looks wrong.

It should look like this:https://i.imgur.com/bdYZX0b.jpg but instead it looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/Lz7Z7Ad.jpg




Current Code:

class CfgPatches
   class Indie_Viper_Ghex
		author="Sil3nt Pr0digy";
			requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F", "A3_Characters_F_Exp"};

class CfgVehicles {

   class I_Soldier_base_F;

   class Example_Soldier_F : I_Soldier_base_F {
       scope = 2;
       displayName = "Special Purpose Suit (Green Hex)";
       uniformClass = "U_I_Viper_Ghex";
       hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
	   hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Characters_F_Exp\OPFOR\Data\ViperOp_Suit_hexgreen_co.paa"};


class cfgWeapons
   class Uniform_Base;
		class UniformItem;
   class U_I_Viper_Ghex: Uniform_Base
		displayName = "Special Purpose Suit (Green Hex)";
		picture = "\A3\characters_f_exp\OPFOR\data\ui\icon_U_O_Soldier_Viper_ghex_F_ca.paa";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_original_F.p3d";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Characters_F_Exp\OPFOR\Data\ViperOp_Suit_hexgreen_co.paa"};
		DLC = "Expansion";
		author="Sil3nt Pr0digy";
		nameSound = "";
		class ItemInfo: UniformItem
		   uniformModel = "-";
		   uniformClass = "Example_Soldier_F";
		   containerClass = "Supply60";
		   mass = 20;


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I found the source of the issue, it was inheriting the wrong model from I_Soldier_base_F, I simply needed to overwrite the inherited model with the Viper model. Here is the corrected, working code for posterity sake:

class CfgPatches
   class Indie_Viper_Ghex
		author="Sil3nt Pr0digy";
			requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F", "A3_Characters_F_Exp"};

class CfgVehicles {

   class I_Soldier_base_F;

   class Example_Soldier_F : I_Soldier_base_F {
       scope = 2;
       displayName = "Special Purpose Suit (Green Hex)";
       uniformClass = "U_I_Viper_Ghex";
       hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
	   hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Characters_F_Exp\OPFOR\Data\ViperOp_Suit_hexgreen_co.paa"};
	   model = "\A3\Characters_F_Exp\OPFOR\o_viper.p3d";


class cfgWeapons
   class Uniform_Base;
		class UniformItem;
   class U_I_Viper_Ghex: Uniform_Base
		displayName = "Special Purpose Suit (Green Hex)";
		picture = "\A3\characters_f_exp\OPFOR\data\ui\icon_U_O_Soldier_Viper_ghex_F_ca.paa";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_original_F.p3d";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Characters_F_Exp\OPFOR\Data\ViperOp_Suit_hexgreen_co.paa"};
		DLC = "Expansion";
		author="Sil3nt Pr0digy";
		nameSound = "";
		class ItemInfo: UniformItem
		   uniformModel = "-";
		   uniformClass = "Example_Soldier_F";
		   containerClass = "Supply60";
		   mass = 20;


Hopefully someone will find it useful one day :D

  • Thanks 1

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