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Eden Editor File Save Size

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So I have a question with the Eden Editor. So with the Eden Editor, you can set attributes of objects such as for disabling allow damage and simulation. Previously a common way for doing this sort of thing would just to edit the 'init' part of an object and call the allowDamage and enableSimulation commands. When you set the 'allowDamage' attribute of an object, it creates quite a long structure of code within the SQM, like this:

			class CustomAttributes
				class Attribute0
					expression="_this allowdamage _value;";
					class Value
						class data
							class type

Lets say you have a large mission file which you need to set this attribute for hundreds of objects. Considering this is applied per object, and is around 20 lines, imagine that times how many objects you're applying it to. If you choose to use this method, rather than the init method of calling the commands, you will end up getting quite a larger mission file size. Now it might not seem by much, but it can end up being several MB larger compared to the init method due to how many lines there are.


My question is, is there really any difference in these two ways of setting attributes with the Eden Editor? If calling these commands through the init line of the object doesn't produce as many extra lines as setting it in the attributes section, wouldn't that be a better option?

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If your file size becomes to big, simply binarize it.

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I agree with R3vo that it's better to binarize the file so it's smaller and faster to load. There should not be any difference but I had problems in the past thaf if I disable damage via the attribute section, the object was still able to get damaged/destroyed on the server. I use "this allowDamage false;" to make sure it works.

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