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No Entry .side Unit Config Error

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I'm making a custom unit config for my group so that we can use them in DAC however I'm having an issue with the side of the unit in the config.



My custom config.cpp. I'm just have one unit in there for now as I wan't to make sure I can get one working before I commit to making many more units.

enum {
     //  = 2,

	class CfgPatches {
    class JFV_Vietnam_Unit_Mod {
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 0.1;
        requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F_Common", "A3_Characters_F", "A3_Characters_F_Beta", "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR"};

	class cfgFactionClasses
	class JFV_Viet_Units //Faction Calling Name, this line will be used to define your faction for units
	displayName = "JFV Vietnam Units"; //Faction name in-game
	priority = 2; //How far down it is on the menu
	side = 0; // 2 Blufor 0 opfor 1 independant I think.

	class CfgVehicleClasses
	class JFV_Viet_Units //Name of unit group e.g Air, Infantry, Armour (You see this name in the ingame dropdown menu)
    displayName = "NVA Infantry"; //In-game name

class CfgVehicles {

	class B_Soldier_base_F;
    class JFV_soldier_F; 

	class JFV_soldier_F : B_Soldier_base_F { //You may use anything you want, just make sure it's unique
        _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_F"; //Don't change this line!
        scope = 2; //This means whether you'll be able to see the unit in the dropdown menu or not
		side = 0; //0 Means Opfor
        faction = "JFV_Vietnam_Units"; //Your Faction
        vehicleclass = "JFV_Infantry"; //Unit Group
        displayName = "NVA Rifleman (AKM)";
        nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";
        uniformClass = "MNP_CombatUniform_NKR_Sh";
		genericnames = "AsianMen";	//Right now your soldiers will have African names, you can get rid of this line
		identitytypes[] = {"Head_Asian"};	//Right now your soldiers will look African, you can get rid of this line

        //backpack = "B_Parachute";	//You can use this line to add a backpack to your unit (delete "//" those first)
        linkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_O_SLA_Carrier_Belt02", "H_LIB_DAK_PithHelmet", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"}; //Helmets, vests and small items go here
        respawnLinkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_O_SLA_Carrier_Belt02", "H_LIB_DAK_PithHelmet", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"};
		Weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"}; // only add rifle & / pistol classname, leave throw and put they are used for explosives and grenades 
        respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_akm","Throw","Put"};  
        Magazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","HandGrenade","SmokeShell"};  //Ammo goes here
        respawnMagazines[] = {"rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm","HandGrenade","SmokeShell"};

I used this post as a guide, however I looked at unit configs for existing mods and other examples and can't find a discrepancy that would cause my config to have no entry for the unit's side.

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I'm posting below the example config layouts I use when building custom units and groups.  You might compare mine against yours to see if there are any differences.


class CfgPatches {
	class unit_config {
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR"};
class CfgFactionClasses
	class a_units
		displayName = "ARMY";
		author = "YOURNAME";
		icon = "Directory to faction Icon"; // Needs to be 16x16 in resolution and it needs to be in the form of a PAA.
		priority = 2;
		side = 1; // Blufor
class CfgVehicleClasses
	class army_units
		displayName = "Army Battalion"; // Rename to what you want the sub group of the faction will be. You can have multiple subfactions (VehicleClasses) as long as the class name of the VehicleClass is different. Makes it work with zeus
class CfgVehicles {
	class B_Soldier_base_F;
        class Army_Squadleader : B_Soldier_base_F {
		_generalMacro = "Army_Squadleader"; 
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Squad Leader"; // In-game name of unit
		faction = a_units; // Puts unit under new faction
		vehicleClass = "army_units"; // Puts unit in the vehicleclass
		icon = "iconManLeader";
		nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";  
		uniformClass = "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam";  // Uniform Class
		backpack = "B_AssaultPack_khk"; // Backpack Class
		linkedItems[] = {"V_PlateCarrier3_rgr", "H_HelmetB_light", "NVGoggles", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch",  "ItemRadio"}; // 			Item's added to the unit. 
		respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_PlateCarrier3_rgr", "H_HelmetB_light", "NVGoggles", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", 			          "ItemRadio"}; // Item's added to the unit. Should be identical to the linkedItems section.
		weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_F","Binocular"}; // Weapons added to the unit.
		respawnweapons[] = {"arifle_MX_F","Binocular"}; // Weapons added to the unit. Should be identical to the weapons section
		magazines[] = 			                        {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","HandGrenade","HandGrenade",};
		Respawnmagazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","HandGrenade","HandGrenade",};

For groups:


class CfgGroups
	class EAST
		name = "OPFOR"; // Name of Faction Side 
		side = 0; // 0 = Opfor , 1 = Blufor , 2 = Indep , I think 
		class Army //Faction Class name 
			name = "OPFOR Army"; //Faction Name 
			class Infantry
				name = "Infantry"; //Name of Sub Group - Infantry , SpecOps , Support , Motorized , Mechanized, Armored
				class RifleSquad
					name = "Rifle Squad"; //Name of Group 
					faction = "Your_Faction"; //Faction 
					side = 0; //Side 
					class Unit0
						side = 0;
						vehicle = "SquadLeader"; //Class name of desired solider
						rank = "SERGEANT"; // Rank
						position[] = {0,5,0}; //Position in the formation 
					class Unit1
						side = 0;
						vehicle = "Grenadier";
						rank = "CORPORAL";
						position[] = {3,0,0};
					class Unit2
						side = 0;
						vehicle = "MachineGunner";
						rank = "PRIVATE";
						position[] = {5,0,0};
		    class Mechanized 
				name = "Mechanized Squad";
				class MechInfSquad
					name = "Mechanized Infantry Squad";
					side = 0;
					faction = "Army";
					class Unit0
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "Name of Vehicle or Soldier";
						rank = "SERGEANT";
						position[] = {0,0,0};
					class Unit1
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "Name of Vehicle or Soldier";
						rank = "SERGEANT";
						position[] = {5,0,0};


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Thanks swtx, your example seemed to be much more complete than a lot of the examples I was looking at. There's a lot of unnecessary stuff in my config, for example the unit classname doesn't need to be declared twice and the game may have been looking for a side value in that initial classname.  

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