MasterPuffin 21 Posted February 27, 2017 This is a really simple script which reduces the ambient sounds. ******************************** Create a file called onPlayerRespawn.sqf (or use your existing one) and put the following code into it: soundlvl=1; Create a folder called scripts. Inside this folder create a file called earplugsPutIn.sqf and put the following code into it: if (soundlvl isEqualto 1) or (soundlvl isEqualto 3) then { soundlvl=2; hintSilent "Sound at 20%"; 2 fadeSound .20; waitUntil {soundlvl != 2} }; if (soundlvl isEqualto 2) then { soundlvl=3; hintSilent "Sound at 5%"; 2 fadeSound .05; waitUntil {soundlvl != 3} }; Inside the folder scripts create a file called earplugsTakeOut.sqf and put the following code into it: soundlvl=1; hintSilent "Removed earplugs"; 2 fadeSound 1; Using the script: You can either use addaction or a keyhandler to execute the script. Every time you execute earplugsPutIn.sqf it will toggle the noise level between 5% and 20%. When you execute earplugsTakeOut.sqf the sound will be set back to normal. If you have any questions or need help with your mission feel free to ask! Cheers Puffi 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites