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God of Monkeys

Can we add Model(.p3d) or Animation into MP mission?

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Hi, I am curious about this, can we add Model(.p3d) or Animation (etc..) into MP mission?


I know we can pack texture into mission and change like car's texture.

If we sometimes just want to use a cool stuff into mission, but seems like this object will only use once on mission. So I don't want to let every in my squad download this mod just play this mission.

So if we can pack model or animation (etc...) into mission, although file's size will bigger, but we can have more free idea to make a mission.


Have any information about this? Thx :don11:

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Yes, since the addition of createSimpleObject it is possible to add a p3d to the mission. Animations are not possible.


To spawn such an object, you have to use the mission root path. Take a look at the user notes from the wiki.



I experienced some problems with simpleObjects from missionfile, for example player getting kicked randomly etc. So be warned.

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4 minutes ago, bloodwyn1756 said:

Yes, since the addition of createSimpleObject it is possible to add a p3d to the mission. Animations are not possible.


To spawn such an object, you have to use the mission root path. Take a look at the user notes from the wiki.



I experienced some problems with simpleObjects from missionfile, for example player getting kicked randomly etc. So be warned.

Thanks, I will try

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