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Tank's track animation

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I'm making a tank and i have a problem. I was able to have wheels turning and to have the top and bottom part of the track animated ( the maps run on them ), the only think that remains static is the lateral side of the track, i still didn't understood how it is animated.

It is a UVW animation as the top-bottom part, or a frames animation?

Perhaps i declared this selections with wrong names, which are the right ones?

Also if the only way is too use an in-game animation how i can use it?

Please Help smile.gif

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If you can please help me also with another problem..

Is it possible to have a vehicle with track (as a tank) in the rear part of it and wheels (as a car) on the frontal part? I mean something like american WWII m3 or german WWII hunomag.

If it is possible, how i can do it?

Thx smile.gif

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theres a t72 in the demo (the old mlod one,search on the forums for where to get it) which you can extract and open in O2, if you look at lone wolfs site http://web.quick.cz/fholesinsky/ there is a demo config cpp (the oldest one), look at that and the p3d for the t72 and you should be able to work it out

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ok i solved first problem the solution is not a great thing but i don't have more this problem...

now remains the problem on how to do a vehicle tracked and wheeled together...

if i declare it  as a tank tracks and track's wheels work good but frontal wheels does not turn in any direction.

if i add the srting simulation="Car" the frontal wheels start to work but track stops..... why?

Plese help

Thanks smile.gif

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youll probably need to define in the config.cpp in the cfgmodels part that this unit has both tracks and wheels, they way id do it (but that means it probably wont work!wink.gif is to make the tracks work, then have a look at the model for a 5t truck and see what memory and model groups are assiociated with the front wheels, then try copying those bits into your tracked model (rembering to add cfgmodel definitions for each point) i hope that helps

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I tried spider.. but, in the cfgmodels of a truck or of a tank, the names of the selection of the wheels are not supported .... sad.gif

for example the wheels of the tank's track are declared in cfgvehicles...

I also tried to add this declaration to the cfgvehicle of a truck but it doesn't work sad.gif

However i asked around and it seems that only Bis can do something adding this function with a patch, but i think Bis have no time to solve a problem of mine smile.gif

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Well i have the same problem as you Ciecato!

Its for my half trucks i'm making but i think we need 2 wait untill Bis makes something like this.

Lets hope they will do that in a new patch *hint*hint*



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Marcel, about the halftrak there are a lot of problems

1) it doesn't turn as a truck but it can turn on itself... and an halftrak doesn't do this

2) the commander-driver is not visible from external view

3) the front wheel does not steer

...there are also other problems...

we have to ask Bis the possibility to add a track on a truck or, if this is not simple to do, to give us the possibilty to use a lot of "rotating" wheels in a truck in order to simulate the track's wheels...

Meanwhile i will declare it as a truck.... and we'll see smile.gif

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