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Variable is String Expected Array

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Hey guys, So I am still messing around with my Area Lock script. I've gotten it to accept name tags, but I'm trying to implement player UID.

I have this done but can't get it to work

This is my initUtil.sqf 

uidListA = [
	"00000000000000000"/* Assassinzz */,
	"00000000000000000"/* Kadaire */,
	"00000000000000000"/* Halvix */,
	"00000000000000000"/* Elikat */,
	"00000000000000000"/* BigSky */,
	"00000000000000000"/* Snakebite */,
	"00000000000000000"/* Grunt */,
	"00000000000000000"/* God Dammit */,
	"00000000000000000"/* RageOnJack3D */
tz_util_isTRC = {
    private ["_unit", "_name"];
    _name = toArray name _this;
    _name resize 5;

    (toString _name == "{TRC}");


tz_util_isAdmin = {
	 private ["_unit", "_uid1"];
	_uid1 = toArray getPlayerUID player;
	(toString _uid1 == uidListA);

Here is my lock script that I am trying to get to work with "tz_util_isAdmin"


	if ((vehicle player) == _x && ((getPos _x) select 2 < 1) && !(player call tz_util_isTRC)) then {

			// Let player know this is members area and they are being removed
			hintC "This is a Members only area!";
			// Teleport them
			_x setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west");
		} forEach (crew _x);
	// Teleport vehicle to spawn
	_x setPos (getMarkerPos "vehicle_teleport");
	// Teleports single person
	if (player == _x && !(_x call tz_util_isTRC)) then {
		// Let player know this is members area and they are being removed
		hintC "This is a Members only area!";
		// Teleport them
		_x setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west");
} forEach _this;

when I plugin in the "tz_util_isAdmin" I get a variable error saying there is a string when an array expected.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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You can replace call _unit call tz_util_isTRC with:

private _isUnitNameStartingFromTRC = (name _unit) find "{TRC}" == 0


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53 minutes ago, Theassassinzz said:

(toString _uid1 == uidListA);

You comparing uid to the whole array. Not that you can never find a match, == doesn't work with arrays.

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54 minutes ago, Theassassinzz said:

] tz_util_isTRC =

also missing ;

Come on man, you cannot be serious!

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21 minutes ago, serena said:

You can replace call _unit call tz_util_isTRC with:

private _isUnitNameStartingFromTRC = (name _unit) find "{TRC}" == 0


Ah I see, the way I have it with names works just fine ':D

It's using UID's where I'm having trouble.

8 minutes ago, killzone_kid said:

also missing ;

Come on man, you cannot be serious!

Not to be rude, I do appreciate the help, but that part of the script works fine haha.


It's my UID that I'm trying to find, but thank you there for the comment on the "==", I'll mess around a bit with it.


Still new to the scripting but thank you for the help, you have responded to all of my 3 posts!

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3 minutes ago, Theassassinzz said:

but that part of the script works fine haha.

no it doesn't but hey, you know better of course!

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4 minutes ago, killzone_kid said:

no it doesn't but hey, you know better of course!

I see what you mean now! looked like you were saying that the whole isTRC wan't working. 

Stupid mistakes, well hey man, Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!! Sorry I doubted you even though you are the master scripter haha ':D

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Code after  tz_util_isAdmin can be replaced with:

if ((name player) find "{TRC}" != 0) then {
	private _vehicle = vehicle player;
	if (_vehicle in _this) then {
		hintC "This is a Members only area!";
		_vehicle setPos (getMarkerPos (["vehicle_teleport", "respawn_west"] select (_vehicle == player)));

Do all same things but faster and shorter:

  1. Checks if a player from TRC squad/clan
  2. Checks if player or his vehicle in _this array
  3. Moves vehicles with crew to vehicle_teleport marker or players on feet to respawn_west marker

* code not tested, can contain errors

* added brackets to (_vehicle == player)

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Just now, serena said:

Function tz_util_isAdmin can be replaced with:

if ((name player) find "{TRC}" != 0) then {
	private _vehicle = vehicle player;
	if (_vehicle in _this) then {
		hintC "This is a Members only area!";
		_vehicle setPos (getMarkerPos (["vehicle_teleport", "respawn_west"] select _vehicle == player));

Do all same things but faster and shorter:

  1. Checks if a player from TRC squad/clan
  2. Checks if player or his vehicle in _this array
  3. Moves vehicles with crew to vehicle_teleport marker or players on feet to respawn_west marker

* code not tested, can contain errors

Thank you so much! I'll try that out ASAP!


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54 minutes ago, killzone_kid said:

You comparing uid to the whole array. Not that you can never find a match, == doesn't work with arrays.

Thank you man!! Got it to work now! 

changed it to 

tz_util_isAdmin = {
	 private ["_unit", "_uid1"];
	_uid1 = toArray getPlayerUID player;
	(toString _uid1 in uidListA);

Am semi-colon'd that line I fucked up on haha.

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Who not just:

tz_util_isAdmin = {
	(getPlayerUID player) in uidListA};

Or, even:

private _playerIsAdmin = (getPlayerUID player) in uidListA;


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2 minutes ago, serena said:

Who not just:

tz_util_isAdmin = {
	(getPlayerUID player) in uidListA};


Because I over complicated this shit haha. I guess I have another one to test haha.


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