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V-44X Blackfish VTOL Questions

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Hello. I have been messing around with the V-44 X Blackfish and have gotten past my first couple of hurdles. I got it to loiter at its way point and can fire from the gunners position. Great!

Now for the extra stuff ---

1. How can I switch between the two firing positions? Similar Topic - Switch Gunner

I can "teleport" to the two firing positions using the following code, but once I teleport to one of the turrets - I can't switch back and forth using the same "teleport" method.

UPDATE: In Multiplayer, The switch gunner action automatically becomes available.


player moveInTurret [bravo_vtol,[1]];
player moveInTurret [bravo_vtol,[2]];



2. How can I add extra Vehicle Weapons to the Secondary Gunner position? I have added additional weapons to the vehicle but they are all assigned to the Primary Gunner. Similar Topic - Add Weapons and Ammo to Turret


bravo_vtol addMagazine "8Rnd_LG_scalpel"; bravo_vtol addWeapon "missiles_SCALPEL";
bravo_vtol addMagazine "1000Rnd_Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F"; bravo_vtol addWeapon "Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F";



3. How can I send the V-44 X Blackfish to its destination and just have it hover?

I have nothing for this yet.. everything I've tried, just makes the vehicle fly right by and either head back to its point of origin or circle irregularly around its destination.

Can it hover up high in the sky or is hovering only for low altitude situations? 

I just want it to fly to a spot and hover. Basic.

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Hello. New situation. I'm satisfied with what I have so far.

NOTE: I'm still interested in knowing if I can add extra weapons to the Secondary Turret and even to the Co-Pilot's Camera - But that's for another time


I am using the following code to send the V-44 X Blackfish to its loiter way point.


_wp = bomsf_bravo_vtol addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "binsrsp", 1];
[bomsf_bravo_vtol, 1] setWPPos markerPos "binsrsp";
bomsf_bravo_vtol setCurrentWaypoint [bomsf_bravo_vtol, 1];
[bomsf_bravo_vtol, 1] setWaypointType "LOITER";
[bomsf_bravo_vtol, 1] setWaypointLoiterType "CIRCLE_L";
[bomsf_bravo_vtol, 1] setWaypointLoiterRadius 1000;
bravo_vtol setBehaviour "CARELESS";
bravo_vtol setSpeedMode "NORMAL";
bravo_vtol setCombatMode "BLUE";
bravo_vtol flyInHeight 500;


But when I want to go to a new destination (Directly after my first location), it doesn't work. It sets a #2 "MOVE" command instead of moving my #1 "LOITER" way point to my map click location.


The only way I have gotten it to loiter at another destination, is if I send it back to base (RTB) and letting it complete that order.

I am using the following code to send the V-44 X Blackfish back to base.


	while {(count (waypoints bomsf_bravo_vtol)) > 0} do	{deleteWaypoint ((waypoints bomsf_bravo_vtol) select 0);};
	[["AirborneCommand",["Bravo V-44 X Returning To Base","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\UI\VTOL_01_armed_CA.paa"]], "BIS_fnc_showNotification", true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
	sleep 1;
	_wp = bomsf_bravo_vtol addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "bravopad", 1];
	[bomsf_bravo_vtol, 1] setWPPos markerPos "bravopad";
	bomsf_bravo_vtol setCurrentWaypoint [bomsf_bravo_vtol, 1];
	[bomsf_bravo_vtol, 1] setWaypointType "GETOUT";
	bravo_vtol setBehaviour "CARELESS";
	bravo_vtol setSpeedMode "NORMAL";
	bravo_vtol setCombatMode "BLUE";
	bravo_vtol flyInHeight 200;
	while { ((alive bravo_vtol) && !(unitReady bravo_vtol)) } do
		if (bravo_vtol distance (getMarkerPos "bravopad") < 800) then {bravo_vtol setSpeedMode "LIMITED";};	
		sleep 1;
	if ( (alive bravo_vtol) && (unitReady bravo_vtol) ) then
		bravo_vtol land "LAND";
		waitUntil {(isTouchingGround bravo_vtol)};
		[["AirborneCommand",["Bravo V-44 X Standing By","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\UI\VTOL_01_armed_CA.paa"]], "BIS_fnc_showNotification", true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
		bravo_vtol setDamage 0;	bravo_vtol setFuel 1;


The key line in the code up above is the first line that I got from here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/deleteWaypoint


Posted on January 04, 2011


When you want to remove all waypoints, do NOT iterate over waypoints _group while trying to delete them (an array is by reference!). Instead use an approach like this:

while {(count (waypoints _group)) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _group) select 0); };


What can I do to be able to move from loiter location to loiter location without having to return to base?

Thank you for your time.

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I ripped this out of a mission I played, This works in the editor - How can I get this to work on a dedicated server?

In the init of bravo_vtol: bravo_vtol_ASL = 500;  

bravo_vtol addAction ["<t color='#808080' t size='1.5' shadow='2'>Altitude (+ 250m)</t>", {bravo_vtol_ASL=bravo_vtol_ASL+250;bravo_vtol flyinheight 0;
bravo_vtol flyinheightASL[bravo_vtol_ASL, bravo_vtol_ASL, bravo_vtol_ASL];hint format["Altitude set to %1 m ASL",bravo_vtol_ASL]}]; 

bravo_vtol addAction ["<t color='#808080' t size='1.5' shadow='2'>Altitude (- 250m)</t>", {bravo_vtol_ASL=bravo_vtol_ASL-250;bravo_vtol flyinheight 0;
bravo_vtol flyinheightASL[bravo_vtol_ASL, bravo_vtol_ASL, bravo_vtol_ASL];hint format["Altitude set to %1 m ASL",bravo_vtol_ASL]}];

How can I add an addAction to Increase/Decrease altitude?

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