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Making this possible on Dedicated / Server?

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Hey all,


Still learning a lot when it comes to sqf writing / scripting...perhaps someone could help me with this one?

Trying to make a squad based respawn system, it works on local in the editor, but stops working when on my dedicated. This is what I have so far...critique encouraged ;)




 // Squad Leader rallypoints
 if ((typeOf Player) == "UK3CB_BAF_Officer_MTP");
  britRally = Player addaction ["Deploy Rallypoint" , "Rallypoint\britRally.sqf"];


_squadMembers = Units Group Player;
if !(isNull objectParent player) then {
 Hint "You cannot do this in a vehicle!";
 Sleep 3;
 Hint "";
 else {
 britFlag = "Flag_UK_F" CreateVehicle getmarkerPos "BritTeleport";
 britflag addaction ["Redeploy to British Rallypoint", "Rallypoint\Teleport.sqf"];
 player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded_in";
 sleep 3.066;
 deleteVehicle britTent;
 britTent = "misc_Backpackheap_EP1" CreateVehicle position player;
 britTent setpos (player getRelpos [2,0]);
 player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded_Out";
 player removeAction britRally;
 Hint "You have placed a British Rallypoint down";
 Sleep 3;
 Hint "Please wait 10 minutes before placing another";
 sleep 4;
 Hint "";
_squadMembers Hint "Your Section Leader has deployed a Rallypoint!";
sleep 600;
britRally = Player addaction ["Deploy Rallypoint" , "Rallypoint\britRally.sqf"];



titleText ["Deploying...", "BLACK IN",7];
sleep 1;
Player setpos (getpos britTent);


Thanks in advance!

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