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Why can't I get into Arma3 multiplayer any more?

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I recently messed up a mod install so I re-installed Arma3 to get a clean slate and it runs fine except i can no longer get into multiplayer like I've been doing for the past year! Here's a screenshot of the multiplayer screen and nearly every server has got a red "unable to connect" balloon next to them, whereas in the past they were mostly green.

And if I click on one of the servers the message at bottom comes up, does it mean anything to you?






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Your screenshots are not visible for me.


You might be running a wrong version, like dev or legacy builds, or there's still some mod leftover in your game folder. Or did you delete the whole folder before reinstalling?

Try verifying your game files in Steam.

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That 2nd image shows that you're trying to join a server using unsuported or outdated addons, what is the RW stuff ? either the server doesn't use it or they use a different version.

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Thanks guys I've got a few ideas I'm psyching myself up to try; send out search parties if I don't get back.

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