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Create Radio Trigger via script

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I am trying to create a radio trigger via a script, so that I can then run that script when the player enters the area of another trigger. Idea is once you enter an area, you get the radio support. This is what I have, but it doesn't seem to add anything to my radio menu.

support = createTrigger ["NONE", getPos player1, true];
support setTriggerText "BOMB!";
support setTriggerActivation ["CHARLIE", "NOT PRESENT", false];
support setTriggerStatements ["this", "0 = execVM 'spawnjet_russia.sqf'",""];

I can run the script in debug without errors, but it doesn't add to the player's menu. I also tried adding

player1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [support];

but this did nothing either. 

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