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bulk adding objects

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Is there a way I can import  objects into eden which were once in a sqf file, I basically if i want to take this:


private ["_obj","_dat","_cString","_adString"];

_obj = objNull;_dat = [];_adString = "CAN_COLLIDE";
_cString = {_obj = createVehicle [(_dat select 0), call compile (_dat select 1), [], 0, _adString];if((_dat select 4) == 0) then {_obj enableSimulation false};_obj setdir (_dat select 2);if((_dat select 3) == -100) then {_obj setposATL (call compile (_dat select 1))} else {_obj setposASL [((call compile (_dat select 1)) select 0),((call compile (_dat select 1)) select 1),(_dat select 3)]};if((_dat select 5) == 0) then {_obj setVectorUp [0,0,1]} else {_obj setVectorUp (surfacenormal (getPosATL _obj))};if(count (_dat select 6) > 0) then {{call _x} foreach (_dat select 6)}};

_dat = ["Land_nav_pier_m_F","[16345.484375,12753.331055,-4.28872]",8.34599,-3.07901,1,0,[]];call _cString;
_dat = ["Land_nav_pier_m_F","[16306.0761719,12759.116211,12.8015]",8.34599,-3.07901,1,0,[]];call _cString;
_dat = ["Land_nav_pier_m_F","[16266.916016,12764.865234,23.03]",8.34599,-3.07901,1,0,[]];call _cString;
_dat = ["Land_nav_pier_m_F","[16227.391602,12770.652344,32.4498]",8.34599,-3.08086,1,0,[]];call _cString;
_dat = ["Land_nav_pier_m_F","[16346.65332,12761.171875,0]",8.34599,-3.07901,1,0,[]];call _cString;
_dat = ["Land_nav_pier_m_F","[16307.168945,12766.984375,12.7475]",8.34599,-3.07901,1,0,[]];call _cString;


I opened the debug console and ran this  to see if it would import them, but it does not.


what would I need to add or to change the script to make it work?



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You need to use Eden commands to spawn objects. Something like...

    private[ "_pitch", "_bank" ];
    _x params[ "_objType", "_pos", [ "_dir", 0 ], [ "_ATL", 0 ], [ "_enabled", 1 ], [ "_up", 0 ], [ "_codes", [] ] ];
    _pos = call compile _pos;
    if ( _ATL isEqualTo -100 ) then {
        _pos set[ 2, _ATL ];
        _pos = ASLToATL _pos;
        _obj = create3DENEntity [ "Object", _objType, _pos, true ];
        if ( _up isEqualTo 0 ) then {
            _pitch = 0;
            _bank = 0;
            _obj setVectorUp surfaceNormal getPosATLVisual _obj;
            _PB = _obj call BIS_fnc_getPitchBank;
            _pitch = _PB select 0;
            _bank = _PB select 1;
        _obj set3DENAttribute [ "rotation", [ _pitch, _bank, _dir ] ];
        _obj set3DENAttribute [ "enableSimulation", _enabled isEqualTo 1 ];
        _obj set3DENAttribute [ "Init", format[ "{ call _x }foreach %1", _codes ] ];

I have not test the above but should give you an idea of what is needed. Just read up on Eden object Attributes and the Eden commands

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thanks for this, i am new to eden, I was able to figure out how to import the objects successfully after I figured out that Extended Bases Mod was interfering.


My challenge now is importing entities like actual AI soldiers.


I have read over some of the 3den commands but not entirely sure what to use for some of these fields.


  "Exile_Trader_Equipment", //Trader Uniform _objType
  "Exile_Trader_Equipment", //Trader Inventory _objType
  "GreekHead_A3_09", //Face _objType
  ["Acts_TreatingWounded01"], //_enabled
  [14585.2,16759.8,0.126438], //_pos
  225.994 // _rot

this is what I need to import, (I put next to each a comment on what they are in the game)


when I create this character in the mission.

and export it with eden I get that line along with using

  "Exile_Trader_Equipment", //Trader Uniform
  "Exile_Trader_Equipment", //Trader Inventory
  "GreekHead_A3_09", //Face
  ["Acts_TreatingWounded01"], //Animation
  [14585.2,16759.8,0.126438], //Coords
  225.994 //Direction - No Comma
      private _logic = "Logic" createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0];
      private _trader = (_x select 0) createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0];
      private _animations = _x select 1;

      _logic setPosWorld (_x select 5);
      _logic setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 6, _x select 7];

      _trader setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false];
      _trader setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true];
      _trader setVariable ["ExileAnimations", _animations];
      _trader setVariable ["ExileTraderType", _x select 2];
      _trader disableAI "ANIM";
      _trader disableAI "MOVE";
      _trader disableAI "FSM";
      _trader disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
      _trader disableAI "TARGET";
      _trader disableAI "CHECKVISIBLE";
      _trader allowDamage false;
      _trader setFace (_x select 3);
      _trader setUnitLoadOut (_x select 4);
      _trader setPosWorld (_x select 5);
      _trader setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 6, _x select 7];
      _trader reveal _logic;
      _trader attachTo [_logic, [0, 0, 0]];
      _trader switchMove (_animations select 0);
      _trader addEventHandler ["AnimDone", {_this call ExileClient_object_trader_event_onAnimationDone}];
  forEach _npcs;

I could not find anything regarding how to have multiple objects/skins and animation types within an eden import.

any ideas?

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