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Adding PDW to backpack in CfgRespawnInventory

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Hello everyone.

I was wondering if it was possible to add a weapon like the PDW to a backpack in the CfgRespawnInventory class in the description.ext?

As I want the player to choose from a set of roles, and do not want a script to be ran for one inventory type. 

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What happens if you add multiple primary weapons to weapons[] in CfgRespawnInventory? Do they overwrite each other?

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20 hours ago, dchan200 said:

What happens if you add multiple primary weapons to weapons[] in CfgRespawnInventory? Do they overwrite each other?

indeed they do, I have the SDAR as the primary weapon and the PDW takes over as primary as soon as I add it to the weapons


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So, for anyone still following this topic:

In the weapons line I put: 

weapons[] = {"arifle_SDAR_F","hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","Binocular","hgun_PDW2000_Holo_snds_F","Throw","Put"};

and in the items:

items[] = {"arifle_SDAR_F","FirstAidKit","ToolKit","MineDetector","FirstAidKit","hgun_PDW2000_Holo_snds_F"};

mind you, it's just the items[] tag.

this'll add the SDAR to backpack and the PDW to the primary weapon slot.

I've tried to reverse this so that the SDAR is in the primary weapon slot, and the PDW in the backpack.

But this seems to just break it, and duplicate the PDW a whopping 4 times. Odd to say the very least!

This works though, hopefully this'll help anyone else that reads this. 

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