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Enemy troops always flee and don't shoot

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I had to realize, that in my mission enemy soldiers are always fleeing instead of shooting at me.

Only vehicles do their job.

No matter what type of soldier it is. I even can put myself in front of them, and the are running away!


I will try denying all unit to flee via init.sqf, but that should not be the solution for all times.

Do you have any ideas?





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Oh my Gosh!

I just read, that some people also experience this problem, "When there are too many units on the map".


I filled Stratis with enemies. I don't like missions, where you are not allowed to leave an area, or if you are allowed you find an empty island.

I want to have Stratis filled with every soldier, tank, roadblock, simply a military island!

Is there any other way (e.g. a mod that makes AI work) than spawning in these units afterwards?





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Are you using any AI mods?  Maybe these commands can help:

Bob setSkill["Courage",1.0];
Bob allowFleeing 0;

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Are you using any AI mods?  Maybe these commands can help:

Bob setSkill["Courage",1.0];
Bob allowFleeing 0;

Hi, I'm not using AI mods. I read, that the AI is disabled, when there are too many AI-Units on the map, or better to say if the percentage of computing power for each AI is too low.

But I think nowadays with actual hardware there can't be an issue with computing power...

I'll try using the module for Disabling/Enabling AI with trigger set to 650m distance.

When Bluefor is present within this trigger, AI is re-enabled.


Otherwise I really neet to make spawn triggers. But that means I can't use custom-made groups (loadout etc.).

It's a whole lotta code to write...





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thanks for the script.

The custom loadout will not be the mass.

I'll also try to keep my script universal.

For example I did not care for the flashlight.... lol


I'l try putting this code in my triggers radius 650m with activation set to BLUEFOR present:

_pos = getPosASL this;
_group = createGroup opfor;
_Unit1 = _group createUnit ["some_soldier",_pos,"",0.5,"PRIVATE"];
_Unit2 = _group createUnit ["some_soldier",_pos,"",0.5,"SERGEANT"];
_group selectLeader _Unit2;
_wp = _group addWaypoint [_pos,2];
_wp setWaypointType "GUARD";

Would this work?

And what about the loadout for the night? Will the flashlight be automatically added if spawn is at night?

Or should I adapt your script for my units?


That means:

_pos = getPosASL this;
_group = createGroup opfor;
_Unit1 = _group createUnit ["some_soldier",_pos,"",0.5,"PRIVATE"];
_Unit1 exec "ConfigAI.sqf"
_Unit2 = _group createUnit ["some_soldier",_pos,"",0.5,"SERGEANT"];
_Unit2 exec "ConfigAI.sqf"
_group selectLeader _Unit2;
_wp = _group addWaypoint [_pos,2];
_wp setWaypointType "GUARD";

with the script changed to first line


_unit = _this select 0;


And deleted the loops for allUnits and the Uniform config.





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