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Destructable static object HMS Proteus or Mod

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Im trying to do a SEAL mission which needs me to destroy a submarine towed in the harbor.

First I can't place explosives in the water, second is that HMS Proteus can't be destroyed.

I wonder why there is no destruction possibilty, although you can adjust the health in the editor and set the "Allow"-option.

Is there any mod for underwater explosives and a destructable submarine?




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Some objects are not destructable.  The sub is one.  But you can simulate destruction by spawning explosion effects and sinking it.  Attach it to a small object that has physics (dented can, barrel, whatever), and it will sink. 


You can also use setCenterOfMass to change pitch of submarine (have it roll to the side, or pitch forward) as it sinks.  Use setCenterOfMass on the physics object, not the sub. I used a similar technique to sink the fishing trawler in my Leper Island mission.

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But how can I place an explosive underwater?

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But how can I place an explosive underwater?

By using google of course.  I searched for "arma 3 attach mine to sub" in google, and found this post:




It has 2 code snippets within spoiler tags.  1 for sinking a trawler.  And 1 for attaching explosives to a trawler.  You need an an AddAction for player to call an attach explosives script.  Simplest would be to determine exact point on sub you would attach to (you need to experiment to find the right relative position).   And reveal action when player near that spot.  Add to your briefing some technical reason why that is best place to place charge.


These scripts likely have everything you need, but need to be modified to fit the submarine use case.  So it wil take some work.


Also, Killzone Kid's blog post on attachTo and setVectorDirAndUp is useful to learn from.

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Yeah, found this already. I added SetCenterOfMass and SetMass to the script. Works for me.

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