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Multiplayer Coop with Dynamic Missions that Generate based on Player Count

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Hi.  I've been playing ARMA since OFP.  I mostly play multiplayer coop dynamic full map missions (like Domi, Insurgency, etc..).  I typically drop into and out of games at odd times due to RL commitments and don't belong or have time to belong to a full time squad and set play times.


The problem I have is dropping in and out on my own schedule often leads to low player counts (2,3 4 people) and the objectives typically on these full island missions are meant for much bigger player counts. 


Does there exist a 'variant' of these full island dynamically generating missions that sets (or has the option to request?) dynamic tasks and objectives based on player count?


While the larger AO missions can always be there - it would be very nice if the system could generate a task achievable for 1,2,3 players and still feel a part of the battle.  Domi did this with 'side missions' but wondering if there was a more evolved system in place today on some of the newer version game modes. 


Appreciate any suggestions for mission files or servers I could play on.






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Two reccomendations...


1) Dynamic combat generator (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188156-dynamic-combat-generator/) has been fantastic for lower player counts.  We kind of have your same situation with real life commitments.  It supports ACE and TFR but they are not required.  I run this one almost exclusively on our dedicated server.  It can run locally, too, if you are running as host on your machine.  The forum thread is very helpful and will get you set up very quickly or I can even drop you our mission if you like (ACE and TFR version).


2) MCC Sandbox (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/142042-mcc-sandbox-3-dynamic-mission-creating-tool-for-arma-3/) is a very close second only because it is a bit more interactive to set up.  However, that flexibility allows you to create what you want with the ability to set player count and not be at the mercy of a random mission selection.  I have a template mission for it as well.

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Thanks. I know and have used MCC and I've read about but not tried Dynamic Combat Generator.

They both seem like good ways to get low player count tasks generated inside the context of a bigger game mode like Domi and Insurgency.

Wondering if anyone is running a server or has a mission file with this integrated already to try and see how it manages low player count while keeping the full map scale battle going.

Do you do this on your server? If public would you share your server name or address? Otherwise I'd Iike to try a mission.


Sent from my A1-860 using Tapatalk

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If you are looking for full map battles then you are probably better suited to investigate what options ALiVE might provide for you.


What are your limitations?  Is Apex available to you for operations on Tanoa or are you limited to Stratis and Altis?

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I have all official DLC including Apex.  I've tried ALiVE a couple of months ago and was surprised how fast you can get a whole-map scenario going- however the task generator is quite poor in my opinion.  Perhaps a merge of ALiVE and Dynamic Combat Generator could provide something suitable.  I have no experience scripting (and not much time to learn).  Curious if someone has already done something in this vein..


Thanks again for the replies.

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Something to remember for the TG group...


DCG does not require ACE or TFR.  They are just supported at some level by DCG.

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