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Full Arsenal vs Normal Arsenal

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For the sake of discussion, the 'Normal' Arsenal version is the one that starts with the primary weapon and ends with the watches. The selections look like this. To use this arsenal I would add the following to the object's Init:

0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

The 'Full' Arsenal also includes selections that allows you to change the face, voice, and insignia of your soldier. The selections look like this. The way I call this version is through an object's Init:

this addAction ["Open Virtual Arsenal", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}];

Now, I have a Virtual Arsenal white list script which utilizes the "Normal' Arsenal, that has the header of the following:

_crate = _this select 0;
["AmmoboxInit",[_crate,false,{true}]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

The problem I'm trying to solve, is how can I use the 'Full' Arsenal in the white list script, so I can see the options for the face, voices, and insignia? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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