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Gunner View - Stuck Front

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Hey guys,


I have a problem where a turrets optic view is looking forward but the gun is perpendicular to the rest of the vehicle. 

I have assigned the view point like so - "memoryPointGunnerOptics = "GunnerView";" At first that was one single point, then I added another to the selection along the X axis but no luck. 

Has anyone encountered this before and how could I overcome this?

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create a bone with the gunnerview memory points name, and make it child of the turrets gun (in the model.cfg)

Or give the memorypoint the name of the gun selection (in memory LOD), so that it gets moved with it. Do only one of these, not both.

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Thanks, I got the memory point to move with the gun however it's still facing forward.

Perhaps I didn't make it very obvious. The memory point is looking in the direction of where the vehicle is driving. However the gun in facing 90 degrees from the front of the vehicle.

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in that case you have to model/place the turret in the p3d as if it is facing forward. Then in the turret config class, set it to minTurn=-135; maxTurn=-45; initTurn=-90; for example. That way it can only face sideways and the gunnerview shows in the correct direction.

It may be a bit arkward to handle in the p3d (i have a turret that is supposed to be facing backwards... requires some mind-gymnastics sometimes to imagine it the correct way around), but ingame it works properly.

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Ah cheers, it's defiantly a weird way of doing it, but it works.

Just a last little problem, the Y axis turret control is inverted. As in when you move the mouse left, the turret turns right. I've been messing with the min/max Turn values but I've had no luck.


Any idea?

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yes, just turn the values of the model.cfg  animation around

angle0="rad -360";        angle1="rad +360"; 

angle0="rad +360";        angle1="rad -360";
or vice versa

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