TheJMEShow 2 Posted October 30, 2016 I'm having some trouble trying to setup a copilot for the C-130 I'm experimenting with. As you can see, the view point is from the middle of the aircraft. I have no idea what's causing this. Inheritance Config class Plane_Base_F: Plane { class NewTurret; class Turrets; class ViewPilot; class ViewGunner; class AnimationSources; class Hitpoints: HitPoints { class HitHull; }; }; Turret Config class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret; class CopilotTurret: MainTurret { isCopilot=1; primaryGunner=0; canEject=0; body=""; gun=""; animationSourceBody=""; animationSourceGun=""; weapons[]={}; magazines[]={}; gunnerAction="RHS_C130_Pilot"; gunnerInAction="RHS_C130_Pilot"; gunnerName="$STR_A3_COPILOT"; gunnerDoor="Door_1"; gunnerUsesPilotView=1; hasGunner=1; memoryPointsGetInGunner="pos driver"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir="pos driver dir"; minElev=-50; maxElev=30; initElev=11; minTurn=-170; maxTurn=170; initTurn=0; maxHorizontalRotSpeed=3; maxVerticalRotSpeed=3; class ViewGunner: ViewGunner { minAngleX=-65; maxAngleX=85; initAngleX=0; minAngleY=-150; maxAngleY=150; initAngleY=0; minFov=0.3; maxFov=1.2; initFov=1; }; commanding=-1; gunnerLeftHandAnimName="copilot_control"; gunnerRightHandAnimName="copilot_control"; gunnerLeftLegAnimName=""; gunnerRightLegAnimName=""; turretCanSee=15; }; }; It's probably something really simple, but I just can't see it. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Redhotsteel 0 Posted November 6, 2016 Hello, I would try removing the quotations for gunnerAction and gunnerinAction. Here, I will provide you an example: gunnerAction = RHS_C130_Pilot; gunnerInAction = RHS_C130_Pilot; If that does not work, I would say try looking into your .p3d and see if you have correctly placed and ID'd the proxy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites