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AI not breaking waypoint during combat

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Hi Guys,

I have a mission where AI groups are patrolling on foot and by btr.
When enemy shots some other AIs around, the on foot patrol starts moving to that direction but BTR still follows its patrol area without breaking the waypoints. Any idea? When I check with command findNearestEnemy both AI groups knows the enemy though..
I want my AI to stop its move waypoints and first engage the enemy before doing patrol again.


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Do the BTR have it's behaviour as "Careless"? That would explain why it doesn't engage.

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In that case they will engage, but continue making their way along the waypoints.  You would need to explicitly give them a seek and destroy waypoint to activate when they detected enemies, and then switch them back to their normal waypoints once the enemies are gone.  There are a number of ways to do this, but none are that simple.  I would say a solution using "Skip Waypoint" triggers (I think that's what they're called... used to be "SWITCH") is probably the simplest.

You may have some luck also if you set them to "Open Fire" instead of the default "Open Fire, Keep Formation"  (these used to be called "Open Fire, Engage at Will", and "Open Fire", [reversed] which makes things confusing to say the least).  You may need to do some testing to determine under what circumstances the units will abandon waypoints to go after enemies.  That may suffice instead of using any seek-and-destroy waypoint switching.

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I tried also open fire even set the combat mod to RED by command but it still keeps driving between WPs.. :(

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