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Vehicle Config

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I have 0 coding experience and have been guessing so far as to what it is I'm doing. I imagine my code is a complete mess but any assistance would be appreciated. Im pulling "Member already defined" errors and cant resolve it

lass CfgPatches
	class CTronn_Vehicles
		units[] = {"CTronn_Tractor_01"};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F"};


class DefaultEventhandlers;

class CfgVechicles
	class CTronn_Tractor;
	class CTronn_Tractor
		class HitPoint	// Hitpoint predefined for all cars
				class HitLFWheel;
				class HitLF2Wheel;

				class HitRFWheel;
				class HitRF2Wheel;
				class HitBody;


	class CTronn_Tractor_01_base
			model = "CTronn_Tractor\TracV2.p3d"; //Path to model
			picture = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\palceholder_co.paa";
			icon = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\placeholder_co.paa"; //map icon

			displayName = "Tractor DShK"; //Editor name

			hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"}; //Different colours

			terrainCoef	=4.5;
			turnCoef	=2.5;
			precision	=10;
			brakeDistance	= 3.0;
			acceleration =10;

			fireResistance	=5;
			armor	=45;
			cost	=50000;

			transportMaxBackpacks	=2;
			transportSoldier	=1;

			wheelDamageRadiusCoef	=0.9;
			wheelDestroyRadiusCoef	=0.4;
			maxFordingDepth	=0.7;
			waterResistance =1;
			crewCrashProtection =0.25;
			driverLeftHandAnimName ="drivewheel";
			driverRightHandAnimName	="drivewheel";

			class Turrets{};
			class HitPoints
				class HitLFWheel {armor=0.125, passThrough=0;};				
                                class HitLF2Wheel {armor=0.125, passThrough=0;};
				class HitRFWheel {armor=0.125, passThrough=0;};
				class HitRF2Wheel{armor=0.125, passThrough=0;};
				class HitFuel	{armor=0.50, material=1, name="fueltank", visual="", passThrough=0.2;};
				class HitEngine {armor=0.50, material=1, name="engine", visual"", passThrough=0.2;};
				class HitBody {name="body"; visual="camo1";passThrough=1;};

			driverAction	=driver_tractor;
			cargoActon[]	={passenger_low01, passenger_generic01_leanleft, passenger_generic01_foldhands};
			getInAction		=GetInHigh;
			getOutAction	=GetOutHigh;

			#include "sounds.hpp"

			#include "physX.hpp"


		class CTronn_Tractor_01
			scope	=2;
			crew	="c_man_1";
			side	=3;
			faction	= CIV_F;

			hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Weapons_F\DATA\placeholder_co.paa"};

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Try with this 

class CfgPatches
	class CTronn_Vehicles
		units[] = {"CTronn_Tractor_01"};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F"};


class DefaultEventhandlers;

class CfgVehicles
	class Car;
	class Car_F: Car
		class HitPoints
			class HitLFWheel;
			class HitLF2Wheel;
			class HitRFWheel;
			class HitRF2Wheel;
			class HitBody;

	class CTronn_Tractor_01_base: Car_F
		model = "CTronn_Tractor\TracV2.p3d"; //Path to model
		picture = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\palceholder_co.paa";
		icon = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\placeholder_co.paa"; //map icon

		displayName = "Tractor DShK"; //Editor name

		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"}; //Different colours

		terrainCoef	=4.5;
		turnCoef	=2.5;
		precision	=10;
		brakeDistance	= 3.0;
		acceleration =10;

		fireResistance	=5;
		armor	=45;
		cost	=50000;

		transportMaxBackpacks	=2;
		transportSoldier	=1;

		wheelDamageRadiusCoef	=0.9;
		wheelDestroyRadiusCoef	=0.4;
		maxFordingDepth	=0.7;
		waterResistance =1;
		crewCrashProtection =0.25;
		driverLeftHandAnimName ="drivewheel";
		driverRightHandAnimName	="drivewheel";

		class Turrets{};
		class HitPoints
			class HitLFWheel {armor=0.125, passThrough=0;};				
			class HitLF2Wheel {armor=0.125, passThrough=0;};
			class HitRFWheel {armor=0.125, passThrough=0;};
			class HitRF2Wheel{armor=0.125, passThrough=0;};
			class HitFuel	{armor=0.50, material=1, name="fueltank", visual="", passThrough=0.2;};
			class HitEngine {armor=0.50, material=1, name="engine", visual"", passThrough=0.2;};
			class HitBody {name="body"; visual="camo1";passThrough=1;};

		driverAction	=driver_tractor;
		cargoActon[]	={passenger_low01, passenger_generic01_leanleft, passenger_generic01_foldhands};
		getInAction		=GetInHigh;
		getOutAction	=GetOutHigh;

		#include "sounds.hpp"
		#include "physX.hpp"

	class CTronn_Tractor_01: CTronn_Tractor_01_base
		scope	=2;
		crew	="c_man_1";
		side	=3;
		faction	= CIV_F;

		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Weapons_F\DATA\placeholder_co.paa"};

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Are you sure you tested the good config ? 'cause there is not even a CTronn_Tractor class in the code I posted

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I know thats why I'm confused. Its definitely the new config you provided. My only other though is that its the model.cfg . That wouldnt explain why its calling Config.cpp however, its also odd the debugger is saying line 95 when the code ends at 93.

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It looks line its going into a second file on the navigation. CTronn_Tractor\ctronn_tractor\config.cpp


No lowercase version of the file exsists so Idk where its pulling it from.

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UPDATE: I got myself past the error by relocating the entire set of files into a new folder and changing the root paths.

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That seems to have fixed my config.cpp issue. I now need to fix my model.cfg.. Just never ending, thankyou @xjoker_

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