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Quick camo selection definition guide

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This guide describes a process to easily create camo selections for models to allow reskinning even for a large amount of assets.




  • Instead of defining the camo selection on each RES LOD and the view LODs one by one, this approach just needs one definition and the O2script does the rest.
  • With the help of tools, you can create easily a mapping for many assets and mass process all assets, thus reducing the effort considerably.




  • This is not a beginners guide. Please refer to related information section at the end to learn the basics.
  • This is not about creating textures.
  • This is not about explaining tools usage.
  • This is not explaining config basics.
  • This does not (yet) include the definition of selections for materials.



What are camo selections


Camo selections are term to describe named selections to be used to apply different textures to a model. This can be done by either means of config or scripting.


Read the remaining guide here:

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