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ending mission ?

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I have problems to implement the end mission triggers.

Basically....I created a mission where you have to kill 4 officers and destroy 5 ammoboxes, all in the same task.

I would have preferred to do 2 separate tasks ( 1 is killing the officers and 1 is blow up the ammoboxes), but I wanted to do it in a way where you dont have to complete one task before doing the other......basically.....you do both at the same time and which TGT you encounter first you kill him....so if you encounter first 3 officers, you kill them...then you move on...you encounter 3 ammoboxes...you blow them up.....then you keep searching....you encounter the last officer and kill him ( so..task one should tell "Task completed")....and you keep searching for the next amoboxes...when you find them you blow them up and then task 2 should tell " Task completed" , anmd right there should mission accomplished message appear.

I dont think its possible to do that, so thats why I put all the tasks as a single task.


The problem I have is that I am not able to see the task completed when all the officers and the ammoboxes are blown up.


Here is what I have :


On the EDIT CREAT TASK I have the following entries :


Owner: Group of synchronyzed objects

Task ID : Kill and destroy

Title : Kill HQ cell and destroy ammoboxes



Destination:Module Position


Task Type:

Always Visible:Disabled




Variable name:


State: Succeded


On the EDIT TRIGGER (1) :


Trigger Init :

-Variable name:

-Text: Mission accomplished trigger


Trigger activation:

-Type: End#2


-Activation type: greyed out but I see Not Present under it

-Repeatable: not selected

-Server Only: not selected


Trigger Expression:

-Condition: !alive officer1 && !alive officer2 && !alive officer3 && !alive officer4 && !alive box1 && !alive box2 && !alive box3 && !alive box4 && !alive box5;

-On Activation: "end2" call BIS_fnc_endMission;

-On deactivation:


On the EDIT TRIGGER (2) :

Trigger Init :

-Variable name:

-Text: Mission failed trigger


Trigger activation:

-Type: End#3


-Activation type: greyed out but I see Not Present under it

-Repeatable: not selected

-Server Only: not selected


Trigger Expression:

-Condition: !alive player;

-On Activation: "end3" call BIS_fnc_endMission;

-On deactivation:


This is the edited part I have on description.ext regarding mission ending script :


class CfgDebriefing
    class End1
        title = "Mission Failed";
        subtitle = "You Cheated";
        description = "Cheaters fail at life";
    class End2
        title = "Mission Accomplished";
        subtitle = "";
        description = "Well done Chaps. Good job!";
    class End3
        title = "Mission Failed";
        subtitle = "";
        description = "Everybody died. May You all rest in peace.";


Now...Mission accomplished trigger islinked to SET TASK STATE  and SET TASK STATE is linked to CREATE TASK and from CREATE TASK to Team leader of BLUFOR

Mission failed trigger is not linked to anything.


If I play the mission, after I kill the 4 officers and blow up the 5 ammoboxes nothing happen.....any reason why ?

Its a couple of days that i struggle to solve it.

Any help is welcome....I dont know where to look at anymore



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Can't help you with your problem, it's already 2 am, but you can shorten this

!alive officer1 && !alive officer2 && !alive officer3 && !alive officer4 && !alive box1 && !alive box2 && !alive box3 && !alive box4 && !alive box5;

by replacing it with

( {alive _x} count [officer1,officer2,officer3,officer4,box1,box2,box3,box4,box5] ) == 0

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Problem solved....was a syntax error...my bad !!


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