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Loading and saving a file

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Hi there.

I really need to know how I can load a file (load.txt), and how i save a file (save.txt) from OFP.

I seen the comref, but the load example doesnt seem to work. Note that I only have to read and save 1 single line.

Thx in advance.

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Would it be possible to have such a feature (save) added in a later version?

It would really open up alot of opportunities.

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i really dont understand your question, load a file and save a file in .txt format from OFP?

do you mean for mission editing? ive never heard of txt files being used for mission editing and ive made a few missions

i think you need to explain more of what you mean

IRC script? do you mean to use a irc script in flashpoint? and you want to know how to load a file(load.txt) which contains a irc script? is that it?

well im not sure but i doubt irc scripts can be used in flashpoint, and if so whats the point? what can a ic script do in OFP? installa virus? lol joke

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No, my irc script exports text from mIRC to a .txt file, OFP then loads it every second, into a dialog, makes you able to chat on IRC using OFP and mIRC. But unless you can save a file using OFP, you cant have a dialog, only be "spying" on an irc channel.

Chatting in a game is seen before, in games such as quake or half-life based games.

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