frosties 10 Posted September 9, 2016 Hello, Working on my MHQ script for my mission. Got almost everything working as i want it to, except for when the FOB vehicle is destroyed when being deployed. The issue then is that the camou net and flagpole is still deployed after the vehicle has respawned. The script for Packing the FOB is using deleteVehicle (_FOB getVariable "CAMONET"); deleteVehicle (_FOB getVariable "FLAGPOLE"); To remove the netting and flag when being packed, but i cannot get this to work upon respawn of the FOB. Trying with a trigger using !alive but cant get the On Activation setup properly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tajin 349 Posted September 9, 2016 You could try this: addMissionEventHandler ["EntityRespawned", { params ["_new","_old"]; _camonet = _old getVariable["CAMONET",objNull]; _flagpole = _old getVariable["FLAGPOLE",objNull]; if (!isNull _camonet) then { deleteVehicle _camonet; }; if (!isNull _flagpole) then { deleteVehicle _flagpole; }; deleteVehicle _old; }]; There may be better solutions but that would require more details about the scripts at play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites