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Is the ArmA toolkit for 3DS Max still compatible with later versions?

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I'm just going to go ahead and apologize beforehand if this is being posted in the wrong place, but I figured I'd ask here since most of the videos I've been watching in regards to the toolkit for Max are dealing with O2 as well.

Anyways, I use Max 2016 and was just curious If the toolkit would have any compatibility issues with this version. I know the more recent Max versions have been kinda shitty in comparison to the older ones, so I was kind of concerned whether or not the toolkit would function properly. Even then if everything works out perfect, is the Max toolkit even relevant anymore or has everyone moved onto something else I should know of? I've checked the wiki and it would seem that this is not the case at a glance but I figured I'd just double check with anyone here who knows more than I do. That's all, and thanks for having such a great resource to learn from, you guys have some great content on here :)

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