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Animal's and isKindOf

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Hi , iam using the A3 module for spawn animals, but i cant make a check if the typeof cursorsTarget is an animal, it alwais return ""

I also try to aim a dog , same result, if i write typeof cursorTarget it return "", if i use isKindOf , same result.

Like those animals dont have a land class?

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you should've posted in this section: https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/154-arma-3-mission-editing-scripting/


about your question though. they definately have a class. it's more likely that the way cursorTarget works is the problem here.


what exactly are you trying to achieve. more details are always very helpful to find the most efficient way.


definately make sure this gets moved by a moderator though. you will get the right people seeing this an get a lot of useful input. the section i linked above is usually very active and full of great people.

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