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How do I set up and assign the available loadouts in the respawn screen?

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Thanks for the reply bigpoppa.

Just wondering though, I'm not very well versed in scripting (or reading comprehension obviously), do I place the text (as displayed in the 'loadout config example) anywhere into the description.ext file? Does it have to be before...after...between certain lines of code?

I'll be giving it a try in either event, just hoping for a bit more insight from someone that already knows.

Again...thanks for your help.

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Most things in description.ext are now taken care of in the editor settings so its not as complicated at it used to be.

Here is a complete description.ext from one of my missions. Of course you would remove the items for mods you don't use, like the ACE and ALiVE items.

respawnOnStart = 1;
class CfgRoles
     class Rifleman
          displayName = "Rifleman";
          icon = "\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\sergeant_gs.paa";
class CfgRespawnInventory
     class EAST1
          displayName = "Rifleman"; // Name visible in the menu
          icon = "\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\sergeant_gs.paa"; // Icon displayed next to the name
          role = "Rifleman";
          weapons[] = {
          magazines[] = {
          items[] = {       						
          linkedItems[] = {
          uniformClass = "U_BG_Guerilla2_1";
          backpack = "B_FieldPack_blk";

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Thanks m'frend.

When I copied /pasted your example, some of the lines were different; TAB'd further in and the like.

I went down the line and tried to get them all lined up again, using the default TAB as my ruler...will that matter?

If it IS a problem, is there a specific syntax I need to use?

I tried to paste a copy of my attempt, but when I did, it was all screwed up again (in THIS display).

Still, I THINK I have the gist; replace 'arifle_Mk20_plain_F' with 'arifle_MX_SW_F'...ditch 'ACE_fieldDressing' and replace with 'itemgps', etc...

To reduce my dependencies (and frustration), I only try 'scripting' using vanilla ARMA files.


I haven't had a chance to try anything out yet (all my gaming buddies at work y'know), but I have faith! This will work.


Sorry for being so elementary, but, like I said....not so good at the scripting thing.

And if I'm getting to be a pain, could you please direct me to where I could get better educated in it.


Thanks again.

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Actually when I pasted it in here it was misaligned. I just made it look better by straightening the indentations myself.

Wont matter though. Sounds like you have the hang of it. If I can be of any more help feel free to add me on Steam or PM me here.

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As said before...much appreciation.

I'm a bit further down the line (pushing 60) and all this scripting stuff confuses the heck out of me.

But I'm trying to do what I can.

When you get the friend invite, I'm either P!G or KUPCHO, I don't remember which shows up.

I hope that you can join me at the PIGSTY sometime (and I can show off my great scripting skills (heheh)).

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