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How do you make an enemy goto next...

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Im havin trouble here, I want an enemy, EAST, to sit in the woods and wait until the WEST arrives in a general location. I know you need a trigger for the area the West will arrive in, but what exactly do you do? Is there a specific command that will make the enemy hold at one waypoint until WEST is detected in the area, then move to next waypoint? I tried searchin forum...but got nothing...

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yes that is quit simple.

you have to synchronise the waypoints with the trigger thats all. The synchronise option is also in the top of the editor screen. Just drag a line from the waypoint to the trigger.

gl wink.gif

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OOOOHHHHHH, ok. I gues that comes from me only learning how to use the synchronize function just 2 days ago... tounge.gif

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I would use the sync, too, but it would also work if you put in the trigger activation field:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

enemy1 domove getmarkerpos("label")


enemy1 domove getpos(player)

<span id='postcolor'>

But that works better when you are working with an AI that has a waypoint patrol route that is cycling and you want him to break out of his route. Doesn't work too well with aircraft, though.

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