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Remove texture from building

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Hi folks,

is it possible to remove the textures (marked blue in the pic below) and have my own texture instead?
I want to get the house a police station instead of a barbers shop...
So I´d like to replace the commercials with some own "Police"-textures...

Is it possible to replace that without changing something in the .pbo-files ?

Thanks a lot!
Greetz Purzel


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Try to playing around with with setObjectTextureGlobal and with the user texture objects (under Objects >> Props >> Signs >> Blanks). Not sure if this would work, but you could try creating a .JPG texture that has blank spots on it, basically make a texture that is just enough to cover the actual, in-game sign.


Kinda like this, blue is the actually sign, enough to cover the in-game texture, and the green is blank.


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