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Terrain builder or config

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help me please
I created a map. Added House of Custom Buildings from Australia
My Settings terrainbuilder

And I use 10240x10240 mask and Satelite
But the terrain 2048x2048

Added to the addons folder with a map
Altis life project installed in my server
Problem: to buy a house - can open the door and put the box. After the death appears spawn point "Church" or another name. After the restart remains the same "church" and spawn point in the same corner on the left. And after the restart, I can not put the drawer and open the door.

Thank you in advance!



It's my config.cpp


//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 5.45
//'now' is Fri May 27 14:35:58 2016 : 'file' last modified on Fri May 27 14:35:58 2016

#define _ARMA_

enum {
destructengine = 2,
destructdefault = 6,
destructwreck = 7,
destructtree = 3,
destructtent = 4,
stabilizedinaxisx = 1,
stabilizedinaxesxyz = 4,
stabilizedinaxisy = 2,
stabilizedinaxesboth = 3,
destructno = 0,
stabilizedinaxesnone = 0,
destructman = 5,
destructbuilding = 1

//Class map_Eilean : config.bin{
class CfgPatches
class Hayabusa
author = "Rampage";
name = "Hayabusa";
url = "http://www.arma3.com";
requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Map_Data","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","policestation","pub_c","gatedoora","gaol_mapobject","helipad_mapobject","mainsection","pub_a","policestation","pub_c","gatedoora","A3_Structures_F"};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};

class CfgVehicles{};
class CfgWorlds
mapSize = 2048;
mapZone = 35;
class DefaultWorld
class Weather
class Overcast;
class WaterExPars;
class CAWorld: DefaultWorld
class Grid{};
class DayLightingBrightAlmost;
class DayLightingRainy;
class DefaultClutter;
class Weather: Weather
class Lighting;
class Overcast: Overcast
class Weather1;
class Weather2;
class Weather3;
class Weather4;
class Weather5;
class Weather6;

class DefaultLighting;
class Hayabusa: CAWorld
class DefaultClutter;


#include "cfgClutter.hpp"


dynLightMinBrightnessAmbientCoef = 0.5;
dynLightMinBrightnessAbsolute = 0.05;

class Sea
seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";
seaMaterial = "#water";
shoreMaterial = "#shore";
shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam";
shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet";
WaterMapScale = 20;
WaterGrid = 50;
MaxTide = 0;
MaxWave = 0.25;
SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50";
SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50";
SeaWaveHScale = 1.0;
SeaWaveXDuration = 5000;
SeaWaveZDuration = 10000;
class Underwater
noWaterFog = -0.001;
fullWaterFog = 0.001;
deepWaterFog = 200;
waterFogDistanceNear = 10;
waterFogDistance = 40;
waterColor[] = {0.04,0.16,0.22};
deepWaterColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009};
surfaceColor[] = {0.04,0.16,0.22};
deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009};
class SeaWaterShaderPars
refractionMoveCoef = 0.03;
minWaterOpacity = 0.0;
waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.4;
underwaterOpacity = 0.5;
waterOpacityFadeStart = 60;
waterOpacityFadeLength = 120;
class WaterExPars: WaterExPars
fogDensity = 0.07;
fogColor[] = {0.03015,0.07155,0.09045};
fogColorExtinctionSpeed[] = {0.1814,0.0159,0.0111};
ligtExtinctionSpeed[] = {0.1814,0.0159,0.0111};
diffuseLigtExtinctionSpeed[] = {0.3814,0.2159,0.2111};
fogGradientCoefs[] = {"0.35f","1.0f","1.7f"};
fogColorLightInfluence[] = {0.8,0.2,1.0};
shadowIntensity = "0.0f";
ssReflectionStrength = 0.85;
ssReflectionMaxJitter = 1.0;
ssReflectionRippleInfluence = 0.2;
ssReflectionEdgeFadingCoef = 10.0;
ssReflectionDistFadingCoef = 4.0;
refractionMinCoef = 0.03;
refractionMaxCoef = 0.14;
refractionMaxDist = 5.1;
specularMaxIntensity = 100;
specularPowerOvercast0 = 750;
specularPowerOvercast1 = 50;
specularNormalModifyCoef = 0.015;
foamAroundObjectsIntensity = "0.15f";
foamAroundObjectsFadeCoef = "8.0f";
foamColorCoef = "2.0f";
foamDeformationCoef = "0.02f";
foamTextureCoef = "0.2f";
foamTimeMoveSpeed = "0.2f";
foamTimeMoveAmount = "0.1f";
shoreDarkeningMaxCoef = "0.45f";
shoreDarkeningOffset = "0.36f";
shoreDarkeningGradient = "0.08f";
shoreWaveTimeScale = "0.8f";
shoreWaveShifDerivativeOffset = "-0.8f";
shoreFoamIntensity = "0.25f";
shoreMaxWaveHeight = "0.15f";
shoreWetLayerReflectionIntensity = "0.55f";

startWeather = 0.3;
startFog = 0.0;
forecastWeather = 0.3;
forecastFog = 0.0;
startFogBase = 0.0;
forecastFogBase = 0.0;
startFogDecay = 0.014;
forecastFogDecay = 0.014;
fogBeta0Min = 0.0;
fogBeta0Max = 0.05;

class HDRNewPars
minAperture = 1e-005;
maxAperture = 256;
apertureRatioMax = 4;
apertureRatioMin = 10;
bloomImageScale = 1.0;
bloomScale = 0.09;
bloomExponent = 0.75;
bloomLuminanceOffset = 0.4;
bloomLuminanceScale = 0.15;
bloomLuminanceExponent = 0.25;
tonemapMethod = 1;
tonemapShoulderStrength = 0.22;
tonemapLinearStrength = 0.12;
tonemapLinearAngle = 0.1;
tonemapToeStrength = 0.2;
tonemapToeNumerator = 0.022;
tonemapToeDenominator = 0.2;
tonemapLinearWhite = 11.2;
tonemapExposureBias = 1.0;
tonemapLinearWhiteReinhard = "2.5f";
eyeAdaptFactorLight = 3.3;
eyeAdaptFactorDark = 0.75;
nvgApertureMin = 10.0;
nvgApertureStandard = 12.5;
nvgApertureMax = 16.5;
nvgStandardAvgLum = 10;
nvgLightGain = 320;
nvgTransition = 1;
nvgTransitionCoefOn = "40.0f";
nvgTransitionCoefOff = "0.01f";
nightShiftMinAperture = 0;
nightShiftMaxAperture = 0.002;
nightShiftMaxEffect = 0.6;
nightShiftLuminanceScale = 600;

skyColorInfluencesFogColor = 0;

class Lighting: DefaultLighting
groundReflection[] = {0.132,0.133,0.122};
moonObjectColorFull[] = {460,440,400,1.0};
moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {465,477,475,1.0};
moonsetObjectColor[] = {375,350,325,1.0};
moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {515,517,525,1.0};

class ThunderBoltLight
diffuse[] = {2120,3170,5550};
ambient[] = {0.001,0.001,0.001};
intensity = 120000;
class Attenuation
start = 0.0;
constant = 0.0;
linear = 0.0;
quadratic = 1.0;
starEmissivity = 25;

class DayLightingBrightAlmost: DayLightingBrightAlmost
deepNight[] = {-15,{0.005,0.01,0.01},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.002,0.003},0};
fullNight[] = {-5,{0.182,0.213,0.25},{0.05,0.111,0.221},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.082,0.128,0.185},{0.283,0.35,0.431},0};
sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{0.377,0.441,0.518},{0.103,0.227,0.453},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.174,0.274,0.395},{0.582,0.72,0.887},0.5};
earlySun[] = {-2.5,{0.675,0.69,0.784},{0.22,0.322,0.471},{0.04,0.034,0.004},{0.039,0.049,0.072},{0.424,0.549,0.745},{0.698,0.753,0.894},1};
sunrise[] = {0,{0.675,0.69,0.784},{0.478,0.51,0.659},{0.2,0.19,0.07},{0.124,0.161,0.236},{{0.847,0.855,0.965},0.2},{{0.933,0.949,0.996},2},1};
earlyMorning[] = {3,{{0.844,0.61,0.469},0.8},{0.424,0.557,0.651},{{1,0.45,0.2},1},{0.12,0.26,0.38},{{0.428,0.579,0.743},2},{{0.844,0.61,0.469},2.7},1};
midMorning[] = {8,{{0.822,0.75,0.646},3.8},{{0.383,0.58,0.858},1.3},{{1.3,0.9,0.61},2.8},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},0.5},{{0.322,0.478,0.675},3.5},{{1.0,0.929,0.815},4.7},1};
morning[] = {16,{{1,0.95,0.91},12.2},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},9.2},{{1,0.95,0.91},11.2},{{0.12,0.18,0.28},8.5},{{0.14,0.18,0.24},11.0},{{0.5,0.6,0.9},13.2},1};
noon[] = {45,{{0.98,0.94,0.94},13.8},{{0.2,0.27,0.35},10.8},{{0.98,0.94,0.94},13.8},{{0.2,0.27,0.35},10.8},{{0.5,0.64,1.0},12.0},{{0.5,0.5,0.5},14.8},1,0.5,0.4,0.5,0.4};
class DayLightingRainy: DayLightingRainy
deepNight[] = {-15,{0.005,0.01,0.01},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.002,0.003},{0.0,0.002,0.003},0};
fullNight[] = {-5,{0.023,0.023,0.023},{0.02,0.02,0.02},{0.023,0.023,0.023},{0.02,0.02,0.02},{0.01,0.01,0.02},{0.08,0.06,0.06},0};
sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.04,0.05},{0.04,0.035,0.04},{0.11,0.08,0.09},0.5};
earlySun[] = {-2.5,{0.0689,0.0689,0.0804},{0.06,0.06,0.07},{0.0689,0.0689,0.0804},{0.06,0.06,0.07},{0.08,0.07,0.08},{0.14,0.1,0.12},0.5};
earlyMorning[] = {3,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.95"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.0"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.95"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+3.0"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.5"},1};
morning[] = {16,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4.5"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+5.7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+4.5"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+7"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+8"},1};
lateMorning[] = {25,{{1,1,1},"(-4)+10.45"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+9.75"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+10.45"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+9.75"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+12"},{{1,1,1},"(-4)+12.75"},1};
noon[] = {45,{{1,1,1},10.0},{{1,1,1},9.0},{{1,1,1},9.0},{{1,1,1},8.0},{{0.5,0.64,1},12.0},{{0.5,0.5,0.5},14.8},1};

class Weather: Weather
class LightingNew
class Lighting0
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = -24;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},4};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},0.2};
ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.05};
ambientMid[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.044};
groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.04224};
bidirect[] = {0.025,0.025,0.023};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0125,0.0125,0.0115};
sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45};
fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.5,0.65,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting1
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = -12;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45};
fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting2
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = -11;
sunOrMoon = 0.5;
diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45};
fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting3
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = -10;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908};
fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting4
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = -5;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},3};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},3};
ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6};
ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048};
groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608};
bidirect[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125};
sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949};
fogColor[] = {{0.106,0.161,0.267},4.715};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting5
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = -2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},5};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},5};
ambient[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9};
ambientMid[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072};
groundReflection[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912};
bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9};
skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766};
fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725};
apertureMin = 7;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 20;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting6
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},6};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},6};
ambient[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864};
groundReflection[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944};
bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876};
fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 9;
apertureMax = 22;
standardAvgLum = 45;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting7
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = 2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},8.4};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},8.4};
ambient[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4};
ambientMid[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392};
groundReflection[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632};
bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4};
skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876};
fogColor[] = {{0.125,0.192,0.329},8.61};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 10;
apertureMax = 24;
standardAvgLum = 50;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting8
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = 6;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2};
ambient[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6};
ambientMid[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448};
groundReflection[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008};
bidirect[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265};
sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876};
fogColor[] = {{0.133,0.204,0.357},9.84};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 16;
apertureMax = 26;
standardAvgLum = 100;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting9
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = 12;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3};
diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3};
ambient[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9};
ambientMid[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81};
groundReflection[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176};
bidirect[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725};
sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524};
fogColor[] = {{0.145,0.224,0.396},11.1725};
apertureMin = 20;
apertureStandard = 25;
apertureMax = 35;
standardAvgLum = 250;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting10
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = 24;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8};
diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8};
ambient[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696};
groundReflection[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816};
bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662};
fogColor[] = {{0.15,0.251,0.488},14.145};
apertureMin = 45;
apertureStandard = 60;
apertureMax = 80;
standardAvgLum = 800;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting11
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2};
diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2};
ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504};
groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392};
bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},15};
apertureMin = 70;
apertureStandard = 120;
apertureMax = 120;
standardAvgLum = 8000;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting12
height = 0;
overcast = 0.25;
sunAngle = 90;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2};
diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17.2};
ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504};
groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392};
bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},15};
apertureMin = 70;
apertureStandard = 120;
apertureMax = 120;
standardAvgLum = 8000;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting13
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = -24;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},4};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.14,0.19,0.3},3};
ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.1384,0.1912,0.2984},0.88};
groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
bidirect[] = {0.025,0.025,0.023};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0245,0.0245,0.02254};
sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45};
fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.025};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.5,0.65,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting14
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = -12;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45};
fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting15
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = -11;
sunOrMoon = 0.5;
diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45};
fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting16
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = -10;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.1,0.18,0.3};
ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.88};
groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8448};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908};
fogColor[] = {{0.094,0.141,0.231},0.025};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting17
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = -5;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},2.25};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.16,0.18,0.28},1.6875};
ambient[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.6};
ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},4.048};
groundReflection[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},3.88608};
bidirect[] = {0.0115,0.012,0.0125};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.01127,0.01176,0.01225};
sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949};
fogColor[] = {{0.106,0.161,0.267},4.715};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting18
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = -2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},3.75};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.25,0.21,0.2},2.8125};
ambient[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.9};
ambientMid[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},6.072};
groundReflection[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.196,0.275,0.42},5.82912};
bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9};
skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766};
fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725};
apertureMin = 7;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 20;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting19
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},4.5};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.75,0.38,0.22},3.375};
ambient[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.2497,0.31,0.467},7.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.2541,0.314,0.467},6.864};
groundReflection[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.235,0.318,0.467},6.58944};
bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876};
fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 9;
apertureMax = 22;
standardAvgLum = 45;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting20
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = 2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},6.72};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.42,0.22},5.04};
ambient[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.306,0.357,0.463},8.4};
ambientMid[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.365,0.361,0.396},7.392};
groundReflection[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.416,0.38,0.388},7.09632};
bidirect[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.023,0.024,0.025};
sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4};
skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876};
fogColor[] = {{0.125,0.192,0.329},8.61};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 10;
apertureMax = 24;
standardAvgLum = 50;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting21
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = 6;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},10.2};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.95,0.55,0.35},7.65};
ambient[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.337,0.404,0.525},9.6};
ambientMid[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.412,0.408,0.443},8.448};
groundReflection[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.475,0.435,0.431},8.11008};
bidirect[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.01375,0.0132,0.01265};
sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876};
fogColor[] = {{0.133,0.204,0.357},9.84};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 16;
apertureMax = 26;
standardAvgLum = 100;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting22
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = 12;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},12.3};
diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.65,0.45},9.225};
ambient[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.388,0.471,0.612},10.9};
ambientMid[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.482,0.475,0.506},9.81};
groundReflection[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.557,0.51,0.494},9.4176};
bidirect[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.01875,0.018,0.01725};
sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524};
fogColor[] = {{0.145,0.224,0.396},11.1725};
apertureMin = 20;
apertureStandard = 25;
apertureMax = 35;
standardAvgLum = 250;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting23
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = 24;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},15.8};
diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.75,0.62},11.85};
ambient[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.435,0.533,0.698},13.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.545,0.541,0.569},12.696};
groundReflection[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.635,0.58,0.557},12.18816};
bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662};
fogColor[] = {{0.15,0.251,0.488},14.145};
apertureMin = 45;
apertureStandard = 60;
apertureMax = 80;
standardAvgLum = 800;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting24
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17};
diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},12.75};
ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},13.616};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},13.616};
groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392};
bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},13.9564};
apertureMin = 70;
apertureStandard = 120;
apertureMax = 120;
standardAvgLum = 8000;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting25
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = 90;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},17};
diffuseCloud[] = {{1,0.87,0.85},13.94};
ambient[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.498,0.602,0.77},14.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.635,0.635,0.663},14.504};
groundReflection[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.745,0.671,0.643},14.21392};
bidirect[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.025,0.024,0.018};
sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},15};
apertureMin = 70;
apertureStandard = 120;
apertureMax = 120;
standardAvgLum = 8000;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting26
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = -24;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0,0,0},0.75};
ambient[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.8624};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.8624};
groundReflection[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.758912};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.758912};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {0.231,0.314,0.467};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45};
fogColor[] = {0.09,0.137,0.22};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting27
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = -12;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {0.16954,0.239,0.37673};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.042385,0.05975,0.094183};
ambient[] = {{0.16954,0.239,0.37673},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.16954,0.239,0.37673},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8624};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.173,0.239,0.373},0.8624};
groundReflection[] = {{0.14705,0.20315,0.31705},0.758912};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.14705,0.20315,0.31705},0.758912};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45};
fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting28
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = -11;
sunOrMoon = 0.5;
diffuse[] = {0.129,0.18,0.271};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.03225,0.045,0.06775};
ambient[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624};
groundReflection[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1};
skyAroundSun[] = {0.2,0.25,0.45};
fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting29
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = -10;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {0.129,0.18,0.271};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.03225,0.045,0.06775};
ambient[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.129,0.18,0.271},1};
ambientMid[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.129,0.184,0.267},0.8624};
groundReflection[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.125,0.176,0.263},0.758912};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.212,0.302,0.51},1};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.2,0.25,0.45},4.734908};
fogColor[] = {0.122,0.169,0.255};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting30
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = -5;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},0.5625};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.03925,0.053,0.0765},0.39375};
ambient[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},3.22};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.157,0.212,0.306},3.22};
ambientMid[] = {{0.157,0.208,0.298},3.96704};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.157,0.208,0.298},3.96704};
groundReflection[] = {{0.149,0.204,0.29},3.649677};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.149,0.204,0.29},3.649677};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.2,0.298,0.541},4.6};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.7,0.35,0.28},7.636949};
fogColor[] = {{0.141,0.192,0.282},3.96704};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting31
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = -2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},0.9375};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.046,0.06175,0.08525},0.65625};
ambient[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},6.9};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.184,0.247,0.341},6.9};
ambientMid[] = {{0.184,0.243,0.329},5.95056};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.184,0.243,0.329},5.95056};
groundReflection[] = {{0.176,0.231,0.322},5.593526};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.176,0.231,0.322},5.593526};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.188,0.29,0.576},6.9};
skyAroundSun[] = {{1.8,0.42,0.2},12.31766};
fogColor[] = {{0.165,0.22,0.31},5.95056};
apertureMin = 7;
apertureStandard = 7;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 20;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting32
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},1.125};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.054,0.0715,0.096},0.7875};
ambient[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},7.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.216,0.286,0.384},7.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.22,0.278,0.365},6.72672};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.22,0.278,0.365},6.72672};
groundReflection[] = {{0.204,0.267,0.353},6.457651};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.204,0.267,0.353},6.457651};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.173,0.282,0.612},7.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{2,0.42,0.2},13.38876};
fogColor[] = {{0.188,0.247,0.341},6.72672};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 22;
standardAvgLum = 45;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting33
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = 2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},1.68};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.06375,0.08125,0.105},1.176};
ambient[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},8.4};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.255,0.325,0.42},8.4};
ambientMid[] = {{0.259,0.314,0.396},7.24416};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.259,0.314,0.396},7.24416};
groundReflection[] = {{0.239,0.294,0.376},7.099277};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.239,0.294,0.376},7.099277};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.157,0.275,0.651},8.4};
skyAroundSun[] = {{2.2,0.8,0.2},13.38876};
fogColor[] = {{0.216,0.275,0.373},7.24416};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 24;
standardAvgLum = 50;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting34
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = 6;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},2.55};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.0745,0.09125,0.11275},1.785};
ambient[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},9.6};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.298,0.365,0.451},9.6};
ambientMid[] = {{0.302,0.349,0.416},8.27904};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.302,0.349,0.416},8.27904};
groundReflection[] = {{0.275,0.318,0.384},8.11346};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.275,0.318,0.384},8.11346};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.145,0.263,0.686},9.6};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4,0.32,0.6},13.38876};
fogColor[] = {{0.243,0.306,0.408},8.27904};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 14;
apertureMax = 26;
standardAvgLum = 100;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.027,0.045};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting35
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = 12;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},3.075};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.094,0.10775,0.1265},2.1525};
ambient[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},10.9};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.376,0.431,0.506},10.9};
ambientMid[] = {{0.38,0.408,0.447},9.6138};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.38,0.408,0.447},9.6138};
groundReflection[] = {{0.329,0.361,0.396},9.421524};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.329,0.361,0.396},9.421524};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.129,0.259,0.722},10.9};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.13,0.25,0.8},13.524};
fogColor[] = {{0.286,0.353,0.463},9.6138};
apertureMin = 20;
apertureStandard = 22;
apertureMax = 35;
standardAvgLum = 250;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.018,0.04};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},12.24};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting36
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = 24;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},3.95};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0,0,0},2.765};
ambient[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},13.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.447,0.494,0.557},13.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.455,0.467,0.475},12.44208};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.455,0.467,0.475},12.44208};
groundReflection[] = {{0.388,0.396,0.408},12.19324};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.388,0.396,0.408},12.19324};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.118,0.251,0.753},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.115,0.245,0.8},13.662};
fogColor[] = {{0.333,0.404,0.518},12.44208};
apertureMin = 45;
apertureStandard = 50;
apertureMax = 80;
standardAvgLum = 800;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.4};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting37
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},4.25};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.1265,0.13825,0.152};
ambient[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},14.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.506,0.553,0.608},14.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.514,0.518,0.514},13.34368};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.514,0.518,0.514},13.34368};
groundReflection[] = {{0.435,0.439,0.439},13.07681};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.435,0.439,0.439},13.07681};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
fogColor[] = {{0.369,0.447,0.565},13.34368};
apertureMin = 70;
apertureStandard = 100;
apertureMax = 120;
standardAvgLum = 8000;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting38
height = 0;
overcast = 0.85;
sunAngle = 90;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},4.25};
diffuseCloud[] = {0.13725,0.149,0.16275};
ambient[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},14.8};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.549,0.596,0.651},14.8};
ambientMid[] = {{0.557,0.557,0.585},14.21392};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.557,0.557,0.585},14.21392};
groundReflection[] = {{0.471,0.471,0.463},13.92964};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.471,0.471,0.463},13.92964};
bidirect[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.0117,0.0117,0.0117};
sky[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.02,0.12,0.8},13.8};
fogColor[] = {{0.4,0.48,0.6},15};
apertureMin = 70;
apertureStandard = 110;
apertureMax = 120;
standardAvgLum = 8000;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 1;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 1;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.5;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting39
height = -0.1;
overcast = 0.8;
sunAngle = -24;
sunOrMoon = 0;
diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.8};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.8};
ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},0.84};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},0.84};
ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.9072};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.9072};
groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.870912};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},0.870912};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {0,0.2355,0.2335};
skyAroundSun[] = {0,0.2355,0.2335};
fogColor[] = {{0.09,0.137,0.22},0.0275};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting40
height = -0.1;
overcast = 0.8;
sunAngle = -5;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.1};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},2.1};
ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},3.68};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},3.68};
ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.9744};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.9744};
groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.815424};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},3.815424};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0,0.2235,0.2705},4.232};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2235,0.2705},7.636949};
fogColor[] = {{0.106,0.161,0.267},4.715};
apertureMin = 6;
apertureStandard = 6;
apertureMax = 18;
standardAvgLum = 4;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting41
height = -0.1;
overcast = 0.8;
sunAngle = -2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},3.5};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},3.5};
ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},5.52};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},5.52};
ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.9616};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.9616};
groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.723136};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},5.723136};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0,0.2175,0.288},6.348};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2175,0.288},12.31766};
fogColor[] = {{0.11,0.169,0.286},7.0725};
apertureMin = 7;
apertureStandard = 8;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 20;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting42
height = -0.1;
overcast = 0.8;
sunAngle = 0;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},4.2};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},4.2};
ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},6.24};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},6.24};
ambientMid[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.7392};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.7392};
groundReflection[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.469632};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.24,0.63,1},6.469632};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0,0.2115,0.306},7.176};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.2115,0.306},13.38876};
fogColor[] = {{0.118,0.18,0.31},7.995};
apertureMin = 8;
apertureStandard = 9;
apertureMax = 22;
standardAvgLum = 45;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.038,0.0675};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},11.016};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting43
height = -0.1;
overcast = 0.8;
sunAngle = 45;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04};
ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84};
ambientMid[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848};
groundReflection[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8};
fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},16.5};
apertureMin = 12;
apertureStandard = 18;
apertureMax = 25;
standardAvgLum = 150;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8};
swBrightness = 1;
class Lighting44
height = -0.1;
overcast = 0.8;
sunAngle = 90;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.6,0.8,1},12.04};
ambient[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.4,0.9,1},11.84};
ambientMid[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.4848};
groundReflection[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.36,0.72,1},11.02541};
bidirect[] = {0,0,0};
bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};
sky[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0,0.09,0.4},13.8};
fogColor[] = {{0.3,0.44,0.74},16.5};
apertureMin = 12;
apertureStandard = 18;
apertureMax = 25;
standardAvgLum = 150;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;
luminanceRectCoef = 1;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;
rayleigh[] = {0.007,0.01388,0.035};
mie[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};
cloudsColor[] = {{1,1,1},14.8};
swBrightness = 1;

class Lighting: Lighting
class BrightAlmost: DayLightingBrightAlmost
overcast = 0.0;
class Rainy: DayLightingRainy
overcast = 1.0;

class Overcast: Overcast
class Weather1: Weather1
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_lco.paa";
class Weather7: Weather1
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_lco.paa";
class Weather2: Weather2
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_almostclear_lco.paa";
class Weather3: Weather3
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_cloudy_lco.paa";
class Weather4: Weather4
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_cloudy_lco.paa";
class Weather5: Weather5
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_overcast_lco.paa";
class Weather6: Weather6
sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";
skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_overcast_lco.paa";

humidityUpCoef = 0.1;
humidityDownCoef = 0.05;

class SimulWeather
noiseTexture = "a3\data_f\noise_raw.paa";
numKeyframesPerDay = 48;
windSpeedCoef = "10.0f";
moonIrradianceCoef = "10.0f";
fadeMaxDistanceKm = 1000.0;
fadeMaxAltitudeKm = 15.0;
fadeNumAltitudes = 8;
fadeNumElevations = 8;
fadeNumDistances = 8;
fadeEarthTest = 1;
autoBrightness = 0;
autoBrightnessStrength = 0.1;
cloudGridWidth = 64;
cloudGridLength = 64;
cloudGridHeight = 16;
helperGridElevationSteps = 24;
helperGridAzimuthSteps = 15;
helperEffectiveEarthRadius = 1000000;
helperCurvedEarth = 1;
helperAdjustCurvature = 0;
helperNumLayers = 120;
helperMaxDistance = 160000;
helperNearCloudFade = 0.1;
helperChurn = 10;
cloudWidth = 40000;
cloudLength = 40000;
wrapClouds = 1;
noiseResolution = 8;
noisePeriod = 4.0;
opticalDensity = 0.5;
alphaSharpness = 0.85;
selfShadowScale = 0.905;
mieAsymmetry = 0.5087;
minimumLightElevationDegrees = 6.0;
directLightCoef = 1.0;
indirectLightCoef = 0.04;
fogStart = 0;
fogEnd = 50000;
fogHeight = 2000;
class DefaultKeyframe
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
haze = 30;
hazeBaseKm = 5.0;
hazeScaleKm = 1.0;
hazeEccentricity = 1;
brightnessAdjustment = 1.0;
cloudiness = 0.6;
cloudBaseKm = 2.85;
cloudHeightKm = 6.0;
directLight = 1.0;
indirectLight = 1.0;
ambientLight = 0.2;
noiseOctaves = 4.3;
noisePersistence = 0.535;
fractalAmplitude = 2.3;
fractalWavelength = 240.0;
extinction = 4.7;
diffusivity = 0.001;
class Overcast
class Weather1: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 0.0;
cloudiness = 0.0;
diffusivity = 0.001;
seqFileKeyframe = 0;
class Weather2: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 0.2;
cloudiness = 0.25;
diffusivity = 0.001;
seqFileKeyframe = 0;
class Weather3: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 0.4;
cloudiness = 0.45;
diffusivity = 0.001;
seqFileKeyframe = 3;
class Weather4: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 0.5;
cloudiness = 0.46;
diffusivity = 0.01;
seqFileKeyframe = 4;
class Weather5: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 0.8;
cloudiness = 0.8;
diffusivity = 0.01;
extinction = 4.3;
cloudBaseKm = 1.9;
cloudHeightKm = 8.0;
seqFileKeyframe = 4;
class Weather6: DefaultKeyframe
overcast = 1.0;
cloudiness = 1.0;
diffusivity = 0.001;
extinction = 4.0;
cloudBaseKm = 1.7;
cloudHeightKm = 10.0;
seqFileKeyframe = 4;

hazeDistCoef = 0.1;
hazeFogCoef = 0.98;
hazeBaseHeight = 0;
hazeBaseBeta0 = 8e-005;
hazeDensityDecay = 0.00036;
horizonParallaxCoef = 0.0;
horizonFogColorationStart = "0.8f";
skyFogColorationStart = "0.7f";
horizonSunColorationIntensity = 0.001;
aroundSunCoefMultiplier = "1.4f";
aroundSunCoefExponent = "12f";
soundMapSizeCoef = 4;
satelliteNormalBlendStart = 10;
satelliteNormalBlendEnd = 100;
skyObject = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\obloha.p3d";
horizontObject = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\horizont.p3d";
skyTexture = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\sky_semicloudy_sky.paa";
skyTextureR = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\sky_semicloudy_lco.paa";
terrainBlendMaxDarkenCoef = "0.85f";
terrainBlendMaxBrightenCoef = "0.15f";
access = 3;
worldId = 5;


cutscenes[] = {"Altis_intro1"};
description = "Hayabusa";
icon = "";
worldName = "\Hayabusa\hayabusa.wrp";
previewVideo = "";
pictureMap = "\Hayabusa\data\pictureMap_ca.paa";
pictureShot = "\Hayabusa\data\pictureShot.paa";
plateFormat = "A#$-####";
author = "Rampage";
mapSize = 2048;
mapZone = 35;
longitude = 16.661;
latitude = -35.152;
elevationOffset = 0;
minHillsAltitude = 80;
maxHillsAltitude = 200;
mapDrawingBrightnessModifier = 1.5;

class EnvMaps
class EnvMap1
texture = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\env_land_ClearSky_ca.paa";
overcast = 0;
class EnvMap2
texture = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\env_land_SemiCloudySky_ca.paa";
overcast = 0.3;
class EnvMap3
texture = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\env_land_OvercastSky_ca.paa";
overcast = 0.6;

newRoadsShape = "\Hayabusa\data\roads\roads.shp";

class OutsideTerrain
satellite = "Hayabusa\data\Sat_underwater.paa";
enableTerrainSynth = 0;
class Layers
class Layer0
nopx = "A3\Map_Data\gdt_seabed_nopx.paa";
texture = "A3\Map_Data\gdt_seabed_nopx.paa";
colorOutside[] = {0.227451,0.27451,0.384314,1};

class Grid: Grid
offsetX = 0;
offsetY = 30720;
class Zoom1
zoomMax = 0.05;
format = "XY";
formatX = "000";
formatY = "000";
stepX = 100;
stepY = -100;
class Zoom2
zoomMax = 0.5;
format = "XY";
formatX = "00";
formatY = "00";
stepX = 1000;
stepY = -1000;
class Zoom3
zoomMax = 1e+030;
format = "XY";
formatX = "0";
formatY = "0";
stepX = 10000;
stepY = -10000;

startTime = "12:00";
startDate = "24/6/2035";
centerPosition[] = {10801.9,10589.6,100};
seagullPos[] = {15360,150.0,15360};
ilsPosition[] = {14382.4,15924.6};
ilsDirection[] = {-0.6947,0.08,-0.7193};
drawTaxiway = "false";
ilsTaxiOff[] = {14611.5,16161.2,15186.9,16747.6,15189.6,16769.4,15185.2,16794.8,15168.7,16829.6,15148,16841.7,15124.7,16835.2,14513.5,16207.6};
ilsTaxiIn[] = {14513.5,16207.6,14212,15898.5,14204.6,15877.1,14217.1,15860.3,14255.8,15838,14283.8,15834.9,14307.4,15845,14359.5,15900};

class SecondaryAirports
class Airstrip_1
ilsPosition[] = {11358.5,11441.2};
ilsDirection[] = {-0.5505,0.08,-0.8349};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {11663,11913.4,11680.1,11920.8,11699.7,11917.5,11717,11906,11721.9,11893.1,11721.1,11880.1,11703.3,11856.5};
ilsTaxiIn[] = {11703.3,11856.5,11671.8,11788,11466,11467.2,11446.5,11458.5,11427.9,11465.3,11400.7,11482.1,11398,11493,11400.4,11505};
drawTaxiway = 0;
class Airstrip_2
ilsPosition[] = {9268.16,21575.1};
ilsDirection[] = {0.8027,0.08,0.5964};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {9034.07,21396.7,9022.12,21398.9,9012.96,21410.5,9008.71,21433.9,9017.87,21463.7,9126.84,21580.2,9168.44,21610.6};
ilsTaxiIn[] = {9168.44,21610.6,9191.79,21623,9207.69,21620.3,9219.23,21617.4,9251.41,21588.8,9256.73,21578.9,9255.22,21567};
drawTaxiway = 0;
class Airstrip_3
ilsPosition[] = {21074.3,7098.58};
ilsDirection[] = {-0.1908,0.08,-0.9816};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {21157.2,7511.69,21158.3,7526.32,21146.7,7531.26,21132.3,7529.41,20863.7,7300.61,20825.6,7275.69};
ilsTaxiIn[] = {20825.6,7275.69,20801.9,7260.94,20798.5,7251.93,20802.7,7244.72,20815.7,7245.37,20847.4,7275.87,20862.2,7280.76,20879.3,7278.83,21068.9,7161.23,21082.9,7163.58,21091.9,7176.15};
drawTaxiway = 0;
class Airstrip_4
ilsPosition[] = {27153.5,24904.1};
ilsDirection[] = {0.6546,0.08,0.756};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {26849.6,24558,26832.5,24542.9,26812.7,24539.7,26789.9,24547.8,26772.8,24560.6,26765.3,24581.2,26769.4,24604,26801.7,24637.3};
ilsTaxiIn[] = {26801.7,24637.3,26831.5,24668.2,26897.3,24705.8,27097.2,24917.6,27113.2,24922.5,27131.3,24916,27142.7,24908.1,27143.8,24899.2,27140,24889.9,27132.9,24881.3};
drawTaxiway = 0;
class Airstrip_5
ilsPosition[] = {23149.6,18400};
ilsDirection[] = {0,0.08,-1};
ilsTaxiOff[] = {23149.8,18795.7,23148.9,18899.7,23137.2,18937.9,23100.4,18946.5,23063.1,18930.5,23046.1,18896.7,23031.6,18845.3};
ilsTaxiIn[] = {23031.6,18845.3,23052,18396.4,23074.4,18367.8,23099.7,18356.6,23132.8,18364.5,23149,18398.5,23149.4,18432.5};
drawTaxiway = 0;

class ReplaceObjects{};
class Sounds
sounds[] = {};
class Animation
vehicles[] = {};

clutterGrid = 1.2;
clutterDist = 90;
noDetailDist = 65;
fullDetailDist = 10;
midDetailTexture = "A3\Map_Data\middle_mco.paa";
minTreesInForestSquare = 3;
minRocksInRockSquare = 3;

class Subdivision
class Fractal
rougness = 5;
maxRoad = 0.02;
maxTrack = 0.5;
maxSlopeFactor = 0.05;
class WhiteNoise
rougness = 2;
maxRoad = 0.01;
maxTrack = 0.05;
maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025;
minY = -0.0;
minSlope = 0.02;




class Ambient{};
class AmbientA3
maxCost = 500;
class Radius440_500
areaSpawnRadius = 70.0;
areaMaxRadius = 200.0;
spawnCircleRadius = 30.0;
spawnInterval = 4.7;
class Species
class Kestrel_random_F
maxCircleCount = "((1 - night) * 2 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) + (2 * (hills))) * (1 - night)";
maxWorldCount = 5;
cost = 3;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 10;
maxAlt = 200;
minAlt = -10;
class Seagull
maxCircleCount = "((sea * (1 - night)) + (2 * houses * sea)) * (1 - night)";
maxWorldCount = 40;
cost = 3;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 10;
maxAlt = 200;
minAlt = -10;
class Rabbit_F
maxCircleCount = "(20 * (0.1 - houses)) * (1 - sea)";
maxWorldCount = 5;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 10;
maxAlt = 80;
minAlt = -5;
class Radius40_60
areaSpawnRadius = 50.0;
areaMaxRadius = 83.0;
spawnCircleRadius = 10.0;
spawnInterval = 1.5;
class Species
class CatShark_F
maxCircleCount = "(4 * (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]))";
maxWorldCount = 10;
cost = 6;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 10;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Turtle_F
maxCircleCount = "(2 * (waterDepth interpolate [1,16,0,1]) * ((1-houses) * (1-houses)))";
maxWorldCount = 6;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 10;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Snake_random_F
maxCircleCount = "(1 - houses) * ((2 * (1 - sea)) + (2 * (meadow)))";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 40;
minAlt = -5;
class Salema_F
maxCircleCount = "(12 * ((WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]) + 0.07))";
maxWorldCount = 40;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 2;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Ornate_random_F
maxCircleCount = "(12 * ((WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]) + 0.05))";
maxWorldCount = 30;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Mackerel_F
maxCircleCount = "(8 * ((WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]) + 0.07))";
maxWorldCount = 14;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 2;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Mullet_F
maxCircleCount = "(8 * ((WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]) + 0.07))";
maxWorldCount = 14;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 2;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Tuna_F
maxCircleCount = "(8 * ((WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]) - 0.2))";
maxWorldCount = 10;
cost = 5;
spawnCount = 2;
groupSpawnRadius = 5;
maxAlt = 10;
minAlt = -80;
class Radius30_40
areaSpawnRadius = 30.0;
areaMaxRadius = 40.0;
spawnCircleRadius = 3.0;
spawnInterval = 3.75;
class Species
class DragonFly
maxCircleCount = "4 * (1 - night) * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * sea * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 4;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class ButterFly_random
maxCircleCount = "3 * (1 - night) * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 6;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FireFly
maxCircleCount = "(6 * night) * (1 - sea) * (1 - houses) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 20;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 3;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class Cicada
maxCircleCount = "(4 * night) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 6;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 3;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class Radius15_20
areaSpawnRadius = 15.0;
areaMaxRadius = 20.0;
spawnCircleRadius = 2.0;
spawnInterval = 2.85;
class Species
class FxWindGrass1
maxCircleCount = "2 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * (windy interpolate [0.1,0.25,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 2.5;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindGrass2
maxCircleCount = "2 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * (windy interpolate [0.1,0.25,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 2.5;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindLeaf1
maxCircleCount = "2 * (trees + 0.5) * (windy interpolate [0.1,0.25,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 2.5;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindLeaf2
maxCircleCount = "2 * (trees + 0.5) * (windy interpolate [0.1,0.25,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 2.5;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindLeaf3
maxCircleCount = "2 * (trees + 0.5) * (windy interpolate [0.1,0.25,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 3;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 2.5;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindPollen1
maxCircleCount = "(3 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]))) * (windy interpolate [0.05,0.15,0,1])";
maxWorldCount = 6;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindPaper1
maxCircleCount = "(4 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * houses) * windy";
maxWorldCount = 2;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class FxWindPlastic1
maxCircleCount = "(4 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * houses) * windy";
maxWorldCount = 2;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;

class Radius6_10
areaSpawnRadius = 6.0;
areaMaxRadius = 10.0;
spawnCircleRadius = 1.0;
spawnInterval = 0.1;
class Species
class HoneyBee
maxCircleCount = "4 * (1 - night) * (1 - sea) * (1 - houses) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 8;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class HouseFly
maxCircleCount = "(3 + 3 * (houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 10;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 3;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;
class Mosquito
maxCircleCount = "3 * (1 - (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1])) * (1 - windy)";
maxWorldCount = 2;
cost = 1;
spawnCount = 1;
groupSpawnRadius = 1;
maxAlt = 30;
minAlt = -5;


class Names

#include "Hayabusa.hpp"


safePositionAnchor[] = {15667,15791.3};
safePositionRadius = 7000;
loadingTexts[] = {};



class CfgWorldList
class Hayabusa{};

class CfgLensFlare
flarePos[] = {0.0,0.0,0.37,0.47,0.5,0.54,0.62,0.72,0.75,0.91,1.0,1.084,1.13,1.29,1.62,1.68};
flareSizeCam[] = {0.2,0.4,0.025,0.05,0.042,0.043,0.04,0.75,0.6,0.7,0.15,0.85,0.44,0.45,0.55,0.1};
flareBright[] = {1.0,0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3,0.4,0.4,0.05,0.03,0.12,0.05,0.08,0.05,0.2,0.2,1.0};
flareSizeEye[] = {0.04};
flareSizeEyeSun[] = {0.04};




#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"


class CfgMaterials
class Water
PixelShaderID = "Water";
VertexShaderID = "Water";
ambient[] = {0.0,0.025,0.05,0.5};
diffuse[] = {0.0,0.05,0.04,1.0};
forcedDiffuse[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,1};
specular[] = {0.12,0.12,0.12,1};
specularPower = 100;
emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0};
class Stage1
texture = "A3\Map_data\water_nofhq.paa";
uvSource = "texWaterAnim";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {0,1,0};
up[] = {1,0,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0.3,0.4,0};
class Stage2
texture = "A3\data_f\sea_foam_lco.paa";
uvSource = "none";
class Stage3
texture = "A3\Map_data\water2_nohq.paa";
uvSource = "none";
class Shore
PixelShaderID = "Shore";
VertexShaderID = "Shore";
ambient[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0};
diffuse[] = {0.7,0.7,0.7,1.0};
forcedDiffuse[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,1};
specular[] = {0.12,0.12,0.12,1};
specularPower = 65;
emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0};
class TexGen0
uvSource = "none";
class TexGen1
uvSource = "texWaterAnim";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {0,5,0};
up[] = {5,0,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0.3,0.4,0};
class Stage1
texture = "A3\data_f\water_nofhq.paa";
texGen = 1;
class Stage2
texture = "A3\data_f\sea_foam_lco.paa";
texGen = 0;
class Stage3
texture = "A3\data_f\water2_nohq.paa";
texGen = 0;
class Stage6
texture = "A3\data_f\shoreFoam_edge.paa";
texGen = 0;
class Stage7
texture = "A3\data_f\shoreWetNormal_nohq.paa";
texGen = 0;
class Stage8
texture = "A3\Data_F\env_land_CO.tga";
useWorldEnvMap = 1;
texGen = 0;
class ShoreWet
PixelShaderID = "ShoreWet";
VertexShaderID = "Shore";
ambient[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0};
diffuse[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0};
forcedDiffuse[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0};
emmisive[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0};
specular[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0};
specularPower = 1.0;
class Stage0
texture = "A3\data_f\shoreWetNormal_nohq.paa";
uvSource = "none";
class Stage1
texture = "#(ai,64,128,1)fresnel(1.4,0.1)";
uvSource = "none";
class Stage2
useWorldEnvMap = 1;
texture = "A3\Data_F\env_land_CO.tga";
uvSource = "none";



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Well scripting issues with your Altis Life stuff have nothing to do with your terrainbuilder settings.

I also think "church" appears as a display name, because your custom building does not have the rigth name set in its configs.

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