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Using a mod as a serverside script library across many missions?

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Long time mission maker.  First time modder.


So I have a bunch of missions that differ in architecture and layout but otherwise share all of the exact same scripting.


I have packed all of my scripting into a .pbo and moved all of the clientside code to the serverside context but with a remoteExec so that it all works out the same way.  For example, I simply replace the initServer.sqf content with a call to execute the .pbo's corresponding initServer content.  I reference it like execVM "\pbofilenamewithoutextension\initServer.sqf" .  The idea is to centralize all of my scripting so that I can edit all missions at once by simply updating the server mod rather than by updating each individual mission, one at a time.


Working offline in the editor with the mod loaded (and part of activatedAddons), I've taken care of all the obvious bugs... yet when I try to take the next step and test for locality issues on my dedicated server I run into one big problem.  When I try to load the exact same mod in the server via the '-mod=' server launch parameter, the server's rpt file reports no error in trying to load the mod yet it has no idea what on Earth this .pbo is supposed to be despite being listed in that ASCII table that shows up when you start a Dedicated server in the terminal!  The server says that the files referenced do not exist... yet when doing the exact same thing in the client with the mods activated everything is fine.


My question is simply this:  what am I doing wrong that causes my dedicated server to fail to load the mod properly?  Because all of the other mods such as CBA or ASR ostensibly load fine without any problem.


I feel as if the problem is something basic that conveniently isn't mentioned in any of the endless animation/model/texture tutorials that I always seem to find.

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I am currently working on the same thing you are. I do not have a solution for you because I am having the trouble you are.  It seems as though the Altis Life mission are able to do this and the  mod iniDB.  I believe I am doing something wrong with the config.cpp.  If you find a solution for this please let me know.  I will do the same.. Good Luck!

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... so does anyone have any idea if this sort of thing is feasible?  Is it maybe too easy of a thing to ask about that I should have figured it out by now, several days later?  I don't know but I thought it'd be useful to try and bump the thread here for a little visibility I guess.

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Almost a year later here and I'm still wondering how to do this.


My band-aid solution has been to write a shell script that distributes all files in various template folders to corresponding mission folders so that a change in the template can be propagated to all relevant mission folders.

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How is it failing to load? Can you please provide some more information? Any errors?

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