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Changing the default lock state

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Hi and thanks for helping.

Somehow the default state of locks on vehicles is now locked, in other words I can't use anything with the default state, I need to set everything as unlocked in order to get in it. The main problem is that whenever a vehicle respawns it comes back as default and so it is locked.

So my question is this: is there a way to return the "default" value of the lock state to the normal unlocked way?

If a make a new scenario the vehicles work as they should, but I really don't want to redo everything...





Actually it seems I got it the wrong way, this seems to be the problem:

"DEFAULT lock is default vehicle lock when vehicle placed in editor. If player is in a group of AIs and not the leader, he will not be able to enter this vehicle as he will not have GetIn action for this vehicle."

Is there any workaround to maintain playable units in a MP mission also allowing them to enter vehicles?

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