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Lipsync over side radio.

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I have currently got lipsync and Side radio working fine.
But is there a way to have the unit's mouth move while he is talking over radio.
It's done in the East Wind campaign so it must be possible.

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I would rather have them look like they're speaking, I'll take a look at the campaign files.

I think it requires FSM

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ok it doesn't require FSM it requires some array which (from what I see) has no way of defining who says it. Here a snippet:

case "NATO": {
	["30_NATO", "C_EB", nil, "SIDE", nil, nil, 1] call BIS_fnc_kbTell;

and you would execute it with:

"NATO" call BIS_fnc_missionConversations;

But like I said there is no way of defining who's saying it. Anyone got ideas.


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KBTell is the way to go! Can't create code boxes for the below, as I'm having some browser trouble (couldn't copy and paste either, so check for typos!)




class CfgSounds






       class Faux_Speech



                sound[] =


                        "PATH TO YOUR AUDIO FILE",












​​class Sentences


        class Faux_Speech


                text = "";

                speech[] = {"\FauxSpeech.ogg"};

                actor = "";

                variant = "";

                variantText = "";

                class Arguments {};




class Arguments {};

class Special {};

startWithVocal[] = {hour};

startWithConsonant[] = {Europe, university};





// Conversation


_mySpeaker kbAddTopic ["conv", "Sentences.bikb", "", ""];

_mySpeaker kbTell [player, "conv", "Faux_Speech"];


// Turn off other chatter


enableSentences false;

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I might not have made it clear enough. 
I have the lipsync and all that working fine (there mouths move and everything and audio comes out)
What i would like is that when the unit (lets say Delta) talks over radio he can be heard also from him directly. Kinda like if you talk through a radio you'll hear you talking through the radio but you'll also hear you talking from the mouth.
ps. Kydoimos I've been doing most of that, I don't use description.ext as if you just had. CfgSound then code is direct and kbtell already has that ability. Kinda like CfgRadio but with the Kbtell ability.
Thx guys

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What i would like is that when the unit (lets say Delta) talks over radio he can be heard also from him directly. Kinda like if you talk through a radio you'll hear you talking through the radio but you'll also hear you talking from the mouth.


I don't think the engine supports that. It would be a neat feature so hopefully someone can tell me I'm wrong :)

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The East Wind campaign did it so it must be possible. Like I said up further there is a snippet of the code, yet it doesn't define who is saying it.

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