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setObjectTexture respecting aspect ratio

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Hello o/


Is there any way to use setObjectTexture respecting the textures aspect ratio, or scaling it, or another workaround to get a 1:1 texture to render correctly on a 2:1 eg. surface?


I am trying to iterate through every synced object and assign a texture. Now the synced objects might have surfaces in different aspect ratios. That results in my texture being stretched. I don't think having a multitude of textures for every different aspect ratio there is would be a good idea, would it?

  _x setObjectTexture [0, "gfx\foo.paa"];
} forEach (synchronizedObjects this);

I would very much appreciate your help!

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I was trying

  _tex = createSimpleObject ["a3\misc_f\Helpers\usertexture1m.p3d", [0,0,0]];
  _tex setObjectTexture [0, "gfx\foo.paa"];
  _tex attachTo [_x, [0,0,0]];
} forEach (synchronizedObjects this);

as a workaround. But it seems to be bad to spawn plenty objects and does not work for me (me being completely new to sqf).

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I'm not entirely sure of your question but it is possible to save textures in 2:1 ratios (i.e. 2048x1024 or 1024x512)

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MrCopyright, my texture is 1:1. Now if I render it to a sign, for example, it is being stretched because the sign "expects" a 2:1 texture.


Now I could save it as a 2:1 texture also, but if I want to render it to several objects all "expecting" different ratios, I obviously do not want to have a separate texture for every kind of object.


So I was asking if one can force setObjectTexture to render a 1:1 texture as such and not to scale it to the surface's ratio.

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MrCopyright, my texture is 1:1. Now if I render it to a sign, for example, it is being stretched because the sign "expects" a 2:1 texture.


Now I could save it as a 2:1 texture also, but if I want to render it to several objects all "expecting" different ratios, I obviously do not want to have a separate texture for every kind of object.


So I was asking if one can force setObjectTexture to render a 1:1 texture as such and not to scale it to the surface's ratio.




This is not possible. From a modelling standpoint the UV Mapping is all different, causing different aspect ratios. Textures do not tile, they are simply projected onto the model as is.

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