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Client Side Crash Whilst Joing Server

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Hi Guys and Gals


I was wondering if any one can point me it the right direction to finding out what this fault is caused by and how to fix it.






I am not the only one to receive this out of my community.


Server is set up on sneak peak as Tanoa Exile with GTX gaming


There are no error logs in the logs


Kindest Regards Trell

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Hey yeah looks jsut like a problem a couple other guys have here (see some previous posts),

still did you already check what it says towards the end of your report file? C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Arma 3)


Are you running any additional mods or does it happen while running vanilla, do you notice anything before the Crash? Like Lag, desync, fps Drops?



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Thanks for reply,


To be honest i dont know what i am looking for in the client RPT that would say " this is the error " lol


It crash's literally between the loading of the PBO to spawning in.


Mods we have are








and purchased vehicles spawn at specific location


Regards Trell

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If it would say something failed it is an error, what dosent mean that it causes a crash. Normally it is the last line as error as after the crash no more error can be written.

I be honest with you I had that problem on Exile but and also at other occasions midgame but I cant remember how I fixed it. Sometimes I think its jinxed.

One evening not working the next 4 weeks everything is fine then there is one crash a evening and then nothing again.


I'm not an expert on Crash fixes and definetly not regarding Memory problems, feel free to upload you RPT file and once I have time I can check it out and see if I can spot something.


Keep on trying


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Hmm, have you already verified the integrity of your game files?

Steam Libary > A3 > rightclick > properties > local files (I think) > verify game files intergrity


Looks like it's giving out several Errors (everything above Mods: ? ), could you provide the whole file?




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