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How do you set up custom tracers?

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Hi, I have a question and this seems the right place to ask. I would like to make a custom tracer effect but I don't understand how it works. Looking at BI's configs, I can understand that tracer visuals are defined in a .p3d, which seems weird to me. I obviously can't get into the BI .p3d to take a look to see how its set-up. I figured someone here would know. Are there sample tracer files that I could look into? Or is it secretly really simple?

Help would be hyper-appreciated, thanks in advance.

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you can use arma 2 sample models (that BI released), they have tracer models in them.

It's basically a cylinder model with an emissive alpha texture that fades from color (tracer model tip) to invisible (tracer model end). Inside the cylinder can be another cylinder with a different glow texture (so you have a "core" bright glow and a weaker, larger, outer glow. You can obviously build upon that idea / make the tracer more complex. Just make sure it's still fairly low poly (or make sure ROF is low if it's more detailed).

Notice that the game automatically scales the tracer based on bullet speed and also other config settings. So it's tricky to get precisely what you want, if you are after something very specific.

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