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Captain Epic

squad url ranks in game

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Hey all !

I've been trying to figure out how can I make squad URL which includes ranks, that apply into the game.

what I mean is, that when a person is registered to the squad.xml, his rank(private, corporel, etc.) would be on his shoulder, in game.


Is there a script or an addon for that?


thanks !

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Since shoulder insignias have to be defined in the description.ext (for whatever reason, setobjecttexture works just fine without it) I doubt this is actually possible.

But what do I know?



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Since shoulder insignias have to be defined in the description.ext (for whatever reason, setobjecttexture works just fine without it) I doubt this is actually possible.

But what do I know?





this mod is doing as I said.

My question is this: is there a way to set my own ranks, using my own ranking system, and not using this addon

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Here's the documentation for that system.

class CfgUnitInsignia
	class wxotixCustomRank
		displayName = "Cult of wxotix"; // Name displayed in Arsenal
		author = "wxotix"; // Author displayed in Arsenal
		texture = "wxoCustomRank_texture.paa"; // Image path 128x128
		textureVehicle = ""; // Does nothing currently, reserved for future use

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Here's the documentation for that system.

class CfgUnitInsignia
	class wxotixCustomRank
		displayName = "Cult of wxotix"; // Name displayed in Arsenal
		author = "wxotix"; // Author displayed in Arsenal
		texture = "wxoCustomRank_texture.paa"; // Image path 128x128
		textureVehicle = ""; // Does nothing currently, reserved for future use

I want it to change according to the player who joins a slot.

I mean if a sergeant joins spesific slot or a corporel, it will change the Insignia to their's rank

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So you'd set your available ranks in description.ext as above.  Then you'd detect the rank of whatever user however you want and use this command to activate their insignia:

[player,"wxotixCustomRank"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia;

Replacing player with this or _this or whatever you used to grab the new object and replacing "wxotixCustomRank" with whatever class you created for whatever rank you wanted to display.

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